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Integrating My Piggies - How Much New Stuff?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Preston, UK
hi all :)

It's going to be a few weeks yet before I attempt to intergrate Bumble (who was neutered last week) with my 2 girls, but I've started making some tentative plans -'I have a little question though:

When I switch up their cage (assuming bonding went well) - how much of what goes in there needs to be 100% 'new' to all the pigs? I've made some new beds and cuddle cups etc, their old litter trays are being ditched in favour of a brand new hay box, I've got a 100% new fleece for their introduction run and am planning on lining their shared cage with new fleeces too, I was just wondering whether, after a thorough wash, I could gradually add back their old bed houses and cosy items?

Also, I'm planning on using their existing ramps and correx - after a very thorough scrub, and the levels are being swapped around too so it will be an unfamiliar layout - is that likely to cause a problem?

Thanks loads :) x
hi all :)

It's going to be a few weeks yet before I attempt to intergrate Bumble (who was neutered last week) with my 2 girls, but I've started making some tentative plans -'I have a little question though:

When I switch up their cage (assuming bonding went well) - how much of what goes in there needs to be 100% 'new' to all the pigs? I've made some new beds and cuddle cups etc, their old litter trays are being ditched in favour of a brand new hay box, I've got a 100% new fleece for their introduction run and am planning on lining their shared cage with new fleeces too, I was just wondering whether, after a thorough wash, I could gradually add back their old bed houses and cosy items?

Also, I'm planning on using their existing ramps and correx - after a very thorough scrub, and the levels are being swapped around too so it will be an unfamiliar layout - is that likely to cause a problem?

Thanks loads :) x

You can re-use old stuff. Just wash any old fleeces and fleece cosies and give all plastic and wood hideys a good clean. Conduct the initial intro outside the cage in an area that is not part of the regular territory of any of the piggies and in order to avoid tricky situations/flash points, don't use any hideys with only one exit until the chasing and excitement has well died down, which can take a few days depending on how frisky Bumble is! Until he can be introduced, keep him next door with interaction through the bars to the girls, so they can get acquainted beforehand. That will make acceptance much easier.
Thank you :)

I'm planning on introducing them in my kitchen - none of them have been in there - I'm going to set up their spare outdoor run (which has been in storage since the summer), line with a new fleece and pads, and put a massive pile of veg and hay in the middle (think 'romantic lunch' lol) - and maybe a couple of tunnels when things settle down a bit - I'm going to supervise them for a few hours and if all is going well I'll then start working on their cage! At the moment Bumble has a section of his C&C where he is only seperated from the girls by a grid panel, and he spends almost all his time sitting by it! The girls spend most of their time sitting with him, and don't seem bothered at all when he decides to rumble strut a little - if they move away from him he whimpers until they come back lol!

I would leave out the tunnels until they are well established back in the cage. The rest of the plan sounds good, and it sounds most promising for the bonding anyway. You just never know how much the hormones are going to take over when he meets the girls in pigson; it is not a pretty sight and it can get VERY smelly!
Lol oh I know all about the smell! I once made the mistake of popping him in the indoor run that I'd just removed the girls from (while cleaning out) - and, let's put it this way, he left his mark!

It's also one of the reasons why I'm going to introduce them while my 5yr old daughter is at school! Lol
Best choose a day when you can keep the windows open! :yikes:
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