Interesting Behaviour Change

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Guinea Slave

Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 27, 2010
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Just a little tale/musing as it has changed the way I see things a little....

I have had my boy for about 3 years now. He was adopted and came from someone who no longer wanted him and was a typical hutch in the garden piggy. I adopted him to replace my poor boy who died of old age and had left a legacy of five girls who got on most of the time but needed a boy to keep things in check. They actually chose him out of 4 boars from the rescue centre and he was very happy to be with them...I thought.

Sebastian was a very grumpy boy, with humans he kept himself to himself and was a big foody and a little rotund. He was always very aloof with people and was a bit of a biter too. He bit my mum badly on a couple of occasions when she was looking after them for me for a few days (I mean a proper, deep, blood letting bite). He nipped me a few times as well and just generally did not like being handled. So much so I had him checked over by my guinea savvy vet who found nothing amiss.

He is now coming up to 5 (possibly older). Sadly the girls have gone over the rainbow bridge over the years and one had a massive falling out with him and others in general so that reduced the herd further. He was a little bit of a bully too and would be forever bossing them around their run. Weirdly, as the girls have gone he has got progressively happier. He has lost weight (he is much healthier as a result) and much more vocal. I put this done to mellowing with age.

Sadly we lost Titch back in January which just left him and his girlfriend Lacey who is half blind. The difference in Seb now he has one girl is amazing. He spends half his time popcorning, proper full on popcorns! He cuddles humans now and desperately wants to be handled and loved. He adores Lacey and molly coddles her constantly. They cuddle up together all the time, proper leaning into each other, full on cuddling. He calls to us, talks away and with floor time he rushes around talking to himself and having a ball. He comes when called, like a dog. He talks to me (I talk to him and comes over and snuffles my nose) I have never seen such a happy pig. Its like he has had an epiphany!

So my learnings? Dont always assume that a herd which is closer in size to nature, is what necessarily suits the guinea. If they are a little grumpy in personality, it may be that they are genuinely unhappy..not just a grumpy old man which is what I thought before.

I have literally never seen such a dramatic change in personality as I have with Seb in the last few months. I will not be adopting any more until his time to move on arrives as clearly he is a one guinea pig and adores his Lacey!

Sorry just had to share on a Friday afternoon...will take some piccies this weekend so you can see my happy pig!
Wow that's really interesting, am pleased he seems so happy though. I know I have a couple that do better in a smaller group too - mainly Star though.
They are such characters are'nt they? It's been really interesting to see. I just feel really guilty now!
Aw, what a lovely story. They are all individuals aren't they and let us know very clearly when they are happy. Hope Seb and Lacey enjoy each other's company for quite a bit longer yet!
This is fascinating. It just goes to show that not all piggies are the same. His relationship with Lacey sounds so sweet.
Piggies can have very firm ideas what and who they are happy with. Each piggy is different and it also very much depends on who they are with. I have found that looking after a frail/disabled piggy can bring out the caring side in otherwise rather dominant piggies.

But like with humans, there is a Mr or Mrs Right somewhere - even if it takes half a piggy lifetime to find him/her...
HI Wiebke you are so right. Seb never gave Lacey a moments thought when she had both her eyes but as soon as she had the op to remove one his whole attitude to her changed and now they are so in love. I am dreading what will happen when one or other go but hopefully thats a long time away yet.
This is fascinating. It just goes to show that not all piggies are the same. His relationship with Lacey sounds so sweet.

Its very sweet to see. I wish people (not people on this forum) but in general would not say guineas are boring, they have such incredible characters and are fascinating. It makes them that much more adorable.
Its very sweet to see. I wish people (not people on this forum) but in general would not say guineas are boring, they have such incredible characters and are fascinating. It makes them that much more adorable.
You are so right. I love watching my piggies even when they are sleeping.
I know people always say they are just guinea pigs but when I tell them a bit about them they are shocked. popular misconception is that the lifespan is the same as a hamster ! . It's loveley to hear a bout sebastian (love his name btw) I hope he stays happy happy for along time to come xx
I know people always say they are just guinea pigs but when I tell them a bit about them they are shocked. popular misconception is that the lifespan is the same as a hamster ! . It's loveley to hear a bout sebastian (love his name btw) I hope he stays happy happy for along time to come xx

Thank you. Re the name, We are big formula 1 fans so he was named after Sebastian vettel. We also had a hamster named after Jessica Ennis...we called her Jessica Ping :-)

And yes, when I tell people about them they are really surprised.. Then they want them (usually 'for the kids') and I have to put them off!
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