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Introducing Dudley pig...

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2012
Reaction score
margate kent
I saw an ad for a boar that had been handed in to a farm in Sandwich. So I went to see this little piggy and he came home on Monday. I don't know anything about him, just that he hasn't been handled much. The person who had him didn't want me to pick him up from her home, she asked to meet me at a train station. She just handed him over and drove off. His skin is sore so he's being treated for mites and lice. He is so scared of everything. Even if I'm just standing in the same room, he will sit in the corner and squeal. Once he's being held, he starts to relax and go to sleep though.

On the way home...


Piggy lips!



And a belly!

He is gorgeous.So pleased you got him out of a bad situation.Keep us posted
oh bless he just needs some love, which I am sure he is now getting xx
Well done Kenzo for saving such a gorgeous little bundle. Hopefully he makes a fast recovery and soon learns that not all hoomans are bad.
Poor little love. Like others have said with time he will settle down.
Such a gorgeous chap, looking forward to seeing more of him x x
Poor baby to be so neglected. It is great he has now found a loving home.
Hes lovely. When we got Jeff he was terrible he would zoom into his pigloo the minute he heard anyone around. Its amazing how fast they come round in the right home with some Love x
Aww, your story touched my heart. In the last pigture he's smiling because he has found a lovely new forever home with some a lovely human and beautiful Dudley Pig's fuzzy wuzzy heart is all warmed up now. Lovely piggy, reminds me of my George.
Awwwww x) x) Well done for giving him a home. He is in the bestest hands with you Kenzo :)

Looking forward to lots of updates on this little boy

Welcome Dudley x)
Dudley is lovely. You will have to give me some tips on taking photos.

He will soon realise that he is now in a safe an loving home.
Poor little fella :(. Lucky he now has you though! Welcome to the forum Dudders, hope we get to see some more of you soon and hear how you are progressing! :))
Hello Dudley..... you gorgeous boy you... droolxoxo
Dudley is such a smiley piggy - little does he know yet what a lucky boy he is coming to live with youx)
Hello Dudley. Hope you get better soon and looking forward to more updates and of course pigtures :))
AWWWWWWW chubby belly! What a cutie pie! You'll be a fabby fab mummy!
Thanks, he is a little poser! He still won't eat in front of me but he loves his food. I put down a big bowl of veggies in the morning and it's all gone when I come back. His skin is looking better too, the crusty bits are coming away and it looks less red.
Oh my lord lips and bellies but he's only new! Already?
He's been here a week today. He will eat while I'm in the same room now but not outside of the cage or out of my hand. He's a lot more confident already, he will curl up and go to sleep on top of his cosy tunnel. Whereas he was hiding in his pigloo all day. He likes to do laps of the cage at night and some crazy popcorning when the lights are off and he thinks there's no one there!
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