Introducing The Trio!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2015
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I haven't been on here for a long time and I feel I have been missing it! Squiggles passed peacefully on the 5 of March. She is sorely missed by both me and Holly. So for Holly I decided to get a friend. It turned out that my friend was looking for someone to look after her guinea pigs so I offered them a home. I introduced them using the neutral ground technique. The new trio were crowded round a massive pile of salad and hay. They immediately snuggled to each other- mainly due to nerves, but it was cute! During the time in the bonding pen there were a few squeaks from them but they seemed to get on well. I put them in the cage which was Holly's but very clean but I figured since I was introducing a bonded pair to a single piggie that it was the best idea. We watched them for a while and they seemed okay. There was a bit more squabbling than there was in the pen but I was happy with how they were doing. My parents were very close by that evening and noticed a bit of an issue between the piggies. As there were no injuries I decided the best thing to do would be to keep a close eye on them. It took them almost a week to settle down and I was very wary because at some points they were on amber over-dominance behaviours and Holly was left cowering in a corner a lot of the time. Eventually though they became much more settled helped I think by Holly having an intense mounting session to show that she would not settle to being pushed around! :.p That was very funny to watch! Just less than a month later they are all spending time together happily popcorning and running laps in their new run. They have a five foot double hutch and a huge metal run with hide box to go out and munch all day! I am so happy that they bonded successfully and the new piggies are super cute Abyssinians! They are still getting used to regular handling and being carried around as they are quite nervous- Connie more than Ruby as Connie has a tendency to splay out and struggle when picked up similar to when I first got her. They all get picked up at least twice a day and handled at least once. So after hearing so much about these girls I'm sure you want to see the cuties so here are some pigtures! Sorry this was so long!
DSCF6608.webp ConnieDSCF6596.webp RubyDSCF6602.webpHolly
I introduced a bonded pair of sows to my recently widowed boar, they hit it off straight away, and 2 weeks later they follow each other round constantly, that's the 3 of them together in my avatar. ;)
I introduced a bonded pair of sows to my recently widowed boar, they hit it off straight away, and 2 weeks later they follow each other round constantly, that's the 3 of them together in my avatar. ;)
Cuties! Yeah my girls are totally in love now! Although as usual with diva girls there is a bit of food squabbling if someone has that one bit of pepper(out of many) that the others want! Don't you agree that Connie's mouth in that picture is super cute! One of my best photos so far!
Lovely photos. Alfie tried getting fresh with the ladeez, but they kept their virtue intact! :))
Aww that's what happened to us. Rocky died and Cee-Cee was sad so we fixed her up with 2 other cure sows.
They too are settling well :D

They are very cute :D is Holly a teddy?
Aww that's what happened to us. Rocky died and Cee-Cee was sad so we fixed her up with 2 other cure sows.
They too are settling well :D

They are very cute :D is Holly a teddy?
Yes Holly is probably a teddy but I don't really know any of her background!
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