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Is A 2kg Dose Of Cat Metacam Low For A 800g Pig?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2010
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Daisy has some cat metacam for her teeth. The dosage is up to the 2kg mark once daily. As she has broken a tooth could we give her more? I'm not sure as we normally give 0.1ml of the dog version.
i'm not sure about the dosing of those metacam syringes but 0.1ml dog metacam is a low dose so imagine the cat one is even lower? if you feel she needs more then contact the vet to let them know and they can advise you on the amount you can increase to. :)
The cat dose is normally double the dog dose at least I think but I too am not good with the Metacam syringe.
We took her to see the Companion Care vets tonight as she is limping. The vet said her hip is hurting her and has given us dog metacam from 10ml bottle x 0.5. The dosage is 1.0ml daily which is more than I've ever given a pig. I asked if we could spilt the dose into two x 0.5ml so she could have some in the morning and before bed and the vet said yes. I'm hoping Daisy will be more comfortable now fingers crossed!
Poor Daisy and poor you. The metacalm dosage in Kg is very confusing, I was giving my Diesel the 2 kg dose twice a day, it was the one for dogs and he weighed 1 kg, this was double what the vet recommended,but I was given advice by someone on the forum and I am very glad I upped his dose.
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