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Is A Week Too Soon?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Essex, UK
As some of you know, my beautiful baby Jedward sadly passed away very suddenly yesterday morning and I am completely devastated. I have broken down crying at home, at work and at the supermarket. But my flat is now EMPTY of animals. She was my only pet and I grew up with lots of cats around all the time and then piggies too when I was still living with mum last year.

It's so unbearably empty that I've been trying to book an appointment to go to a rescue this Sunday in the hopes of adopting a pair to help soften the blow of the gaping void in my heart. But I don't want to be thought of badly by already looking at adopting others.

I'm not trying to replace her, even if I wanted to there would be no point because she was so perfect and irreplacable, I just can't live in a home without animals, my whole routine revolved around her, I don't know what I'm doing with myself without a furbaby to love and look after.
Hey, nobody is going to think badly of you at all. You are empty and grieving so what better way to help yourself heal then by opening your heart two a pair of rescue piggies? I think it is a wonderful idea. A home without any animals does not bare thinking about.

I know how special Jedward was to you and I really do understand your sadness. Losing a loved one is so painful. I feel really pleased that you are not going to be alone soon.
Believe you me - no one will criticise you for getting more guinea pigs so soon. The important thing is that you can provide a loving home for some creatures in need . Just be prepared that you will most likely still grieve for Jedward. Don't expect any new guinea pigs to replace her.

I love my guinea pigs equally - but I love them differently and I am sure it will be the same for you.
I'm so sorry you lost your little Jedward :( it must feel so quiet without her. I do not think that anyone would think bad of you for giving a loving home to some piggies that need it, in fact it would be a wonderfully kind act.

Maybe you could ask at rescues about fostering for the time being and see how you feel?
I personally definitely agree with looking for new piggies - I find that giving that space in your life to another piggy or two from rescue who need it so much helps with the loss of your pet. I think its a very subjective thing for people, many would say they felt the opposite and needed not to give a home to another yet as they want the space to grieve. Everyone is different in this situation. Either way you should never feel bad for your decision - do whats right for you and any future pets you may or may not have. If its good for you to adopt again then go for it! Lots of piggies are in rescue, so rehoming some would be great if its what you want :)
I found Lola a new hutch mate less than 3 weeks after her losing Rebel and Angel. It was the best thing I could've done for her as she started wheeking again and even taught her new huspig how to do it too! When I open the shed in the morning I'm greeted by 2 screaming pigs shouting to be fed! :))
Thanks guys, I just feel really weird being excited to get piggies while I'm still breaking down crying every other hour because Jeddy's not there, I still don't want to believe she's gone, I didn't want to come home last night because there's normally a huge piggy greeting when I get home from work.
Nobody here will think badly of you for that. Everyone deals with grief in different ways and everybody's grief is always different. I'll bet Jedward would be immensely happy and proud to know that you are looking to give two more piggies a wonderful loving home, and also that you won't be on your own.
RIP Jedward, I'm so sorry for your loss :(
I agree with above. You are offering a fantastic home to another couple of piggies, how could anyone be annoyed at you for that? Everyone has their own grieving process, your's is to help other piggies.
As some of you know, my beautiful baby Jedward sadly passed away very suddenly yesterday morning and I am completely devastated. I have broken down crying at home, at work and at the supermarket. But my flat is now EMPTY of animals. She was my only pet and I grew up with lots of cats around all the time and then piggies too when I was still living with mum last year.

It's so unbearably empty that I've been trying to book an appointment to go to a rescue this Sunday in the hopes of adopting a pair to help soften the blow of the gaping void in my heart. But I don't want to be thought of badly by already looking at adopting others.

I'm not trying to replace her, even if I wanted to there would be no point because she was so perfect and irreplacable, I just can't live in a home without animals, my whole routine revolved around her, I don't know what I'm doing with myself without a furbaby to love and look after.

No, it is never too soon - your new guinea pigs are going to take you in a new direction, but having lost all your furries, you are certainly very much in need of the comfort that they have been giving you! ;)

The wonderful thing about love is that it isn't like a bucket that can be emptied. It is like a river - it flows on between changing borders, never the same but never less strong! Making new rescue pets as happy as you have done with your past pets is the best memorial you can set them. All the little things they have taught you over the years will go towards becoming an even better mummy - a mission that is also never ending! ;)

Wishing you all the best! perhaps you can look for a pair that is being constantly overlooked?
I'm so sorry for your loss. After our last gerbil died, we rescued some gerbils because the house felt so empty. This was only about 2 weeks later. It's never too soon as long as it feels right, don't worry, I can guarantee Jedward wouldn't want you to come home to an empty house everday. She would have been delighted to hear you are giving some piggies loving homes, you aren't replacing her and you will of course continue to miss her but your new piggies will help you through the grieving process and make you smile.

Hugs xx :hug:
I have an idea about how you're feeling. I was in a similar situation a few months ago.

Rehoming two piggies was the best decision I ever made. You'll still grieve for your loss. But your energy is being put into giving other piggies a second chance. What could be better than that? :)
No one would think badly of you for doing this. You have such a great home to give some needy piggies and they will help you through the grieving process. New piggies never replace ones we have lost, they find their own space in your heart x
I agree with the above- when you feel it's the right time, it's the right time. It's absolutely not a matter of replacing the pig you lost. They are all unique and irreplaceable. But there will be room in your heart for a new pet without ever taking away from your love for your previous pets.

We have come home with new pigs fairly soon after the loss of our pigs, if only because we had a surviving pig who we wanted to find a new friend for. It never made my grief go away, but it did give me something new to focus on, and though they never replace the companion I had lost, they were a new friendship just beginning to form and that helped me.

There's a poem I really love that purports to be the last will and testament of a dog... in essence, it states that the love and care of the people left behind are what the dog wishes to will to another dog in need of a home, that the love of the owners is what it has to pass on to another animal. I've always loved it, and because of that I have never felt guilt or a sense of 'replacing' an animal. I know I gave them a wonderful life and a wonderful home. It's because I loved them and so enjoyed their company that I want to give that space to another animal who needs it, so that they can also have a wonderful life and a wonderful home. The cutie in my avatar is actually our new piggie, Hadley. We got her about a month ago, shortly after losing our 6-year-old sow, Linney. I can't even tell you how much I loved Linney... she was just the greatest pet, and I miss her a lot. It would be impossible for anyone to take her place. But Hadley is wonderful in her own way, and I love her too. For me, there's always been a moment when I see that new pig... when I feel that they are the one who is meant to be part of the family. It's not disloyal to feel that. I know you will give another pig a wonderful home, and that will be a tribute to Jedward as well.
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