Is My Oldest Female In Season

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 9, 2015
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Hey. I have two female sows, one of which seems to be hormonal. She walks around her cage rumblestrutting and on a few occasions ive seen her chasing my other guinea pig and what I think seems like trying to mount her. My other guinea pig responds to this with tons of squeals but its as if wherever she goes my dominant piggy suddenly decides is her territory even if its is actually her hidey house or her food bowl. This has been going on for like three days so I'm not sure whether my oldest sow is in season and is just hormonal.
It is hard to say at the moment, but if it continues, it is likely to caused by an ovarian cyst. They are pretty common in older sows, and most don't cause any problems, but some unfortunately do. thankfully, there are now much leass intrusive treatments available than a spaying operation.
It does sound like she is in season but I'm sure someone more experienced will give you more info. How old is she?
Shes young shes just older than my other sow. My youngest is 10 weeks, my older one is 14 weeks. They grew up together since the youngest was born so I dont think its because they dont get along. I'm just confused because ive heard most seasons dont last longer than one or two days but this seems really long
I forgot to mention at times ive caught her rumblestrutting at random items in her cage too such as toy balls and hideys. Occasionally she will chase my other guinea pig into her hidey and refuse to let her leave which can be really horrible especially when all the other piggy wants to do is have a drink. I'm at my wits end with it because its not fair on my poor younger piggy to be dominated when shes just trying to do everyday things such as eating but whenever I have one on me for lap time without the other they both squeal so it doesnt sound like seperation would work :mal:
I forgot to mention at times ive caught her rumblestrutting at random items in her cage too such as toy balls and hideys. Occasionally she will chase my other guinea pig into her hidey and refuse to let her leave which can be really horrible especially when all the other piggy wants to do is have a drink. I'm at my wits end with it because its not fair on my poor younger piggy to be dominated when shes just trying to do everyday things such as eating but whenever I have one on me for lap time without the other they both squeal so it doesnt sound like seperation would work :mal:

At this very young age, you can't have had your sows for long, so they are likely still not fully out of the dominance phase. Sows also tend to have more pronounced seasons at the beginning of a relationship. Some can also have the odd very strong season with a renewal the dominance behaviour throughout the first year of their lives, as sows can also have hormonal spikes where you can see prolonged rumblestrutting, mounting etc.. Only that unlike boars, they don't lead to potential fights and fall-outs.

Please always give your piggies' ages, gender and general situation when you post a question; some crucial background information can help us to give you a more concise answer to what is going on. We see lots of different queries in a day, so we cannot have all the details of all the forum piggies in our mind all the time; there are just too many.

You may find this thread here helpful in understanding your girls:
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