Is This A Good Cage?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 1, 2015
Reaction score
I am getting a male guinea pig and hoping to get it a friend is this a good cage? its a screen shot of it so you can't scroll down so sorry about that.


  • Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 9.52.21 AM.webp
    Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 9.52.21 AM.webp
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I'm afraid I can't read the writing on your screen shot.

The minimum recommended cage size for two guinea pigs should be 120cm x 60cm x 45cm.

Are you planning to get 2 male guinea pigs? It is best to allow a bit more room for 2 boars. Not all males get along together so it is best to get a bonded pair.
I'm afraid I can't read the writing on your screen shot.

The minimum recommended cage size for two guinea pigs should be 120cm x 60cm x 45cm.

Are you planning to get 2 male guinea pigs? It is best to allow a bit more room for 2 boars. Not all males get along together so it is best to get a bonded pair.
the cage is 8 or 9 sq feet. the cage is the midwest interactive guinea pig habitat plus. I am planning on two boars i was thinking of this cage since their is a divider you can put in the middle of the cage so if they fight they can't hurt each other. i will try getting a better screen shot
hopefully this is a better one sorry if its notScreen Shot 2015-03-09 at 5.44.40 PM.webp
I've had a look at previous posts on this forum. I don't think there are many members who have experience of this type of cage. I note it has a washable canvas base and my concern would be how quickly and easily this could be cleaned.

If it is the same size as this then that is the minimum recommended size for two pigs. Boars generally require a bit more space so the can have a bit of space away from each other.
Just read reviews about it, it sounds good and easy to clean and its a decent size.

There are lots of youtubers who use this cage aswell, worth you having a wee look at them to see what you think of it with peoples cages set up and with piggies in. :)
I didnt realise you were planning to adopt a second boar. In that case, I'm gunna agree with @Davey-cavy try go for the biggest cage you possibly can :)
I just decided today I don't want it to be lonely :)

I agree. Guinea pigs are social animals and boars are best kept in pairs. They do however, need to get along with each other . Could you get your guinea pigs at the same time? Could you get them from somewhere that can make sure you get a bonded pair?
I agree. Guinea pigs are social animals and boars are best kept in pairs. They do however, need to get along with each other . Could you get your guinea pigs at the same time? Could you get them from somewhere that can make sure you get a bonded pair?
The OP is rescuing the first guinea pig from their mums friend as the guinea pig is no longer wanted so the second guinea pig will come from a shelter.

The OP is also in the U.S and I think the Midwest cage is more popular over there than it is here :)
I agree. Guinea pigs are social animals and boars are best kept in pairs. They do however, need to get along with each other . Could you get your guinea pigs at the same time? Could you get them from somewhere that can make sure you get a bonded pair?
I'm being given a guinea pig that is 4 months old and since I'm gonna be 13 sunday i asked for money for my birthday so i could buy everything i need however i am not are if i can afford the other guinea pig yet but i am babysitting next week so i should be able to get in in a week or 2. i thought this cage is good since if they do end up fighting it comes with a divider you can put anywhere in the cage so if they fight they can't hurt each other and they won't be lonely when i try figuring out how to stop the fighting. sorry if that made no sense lol
i did some more research on the cage it seems like a good alternative of a c&c cage and it has a lid so my dog and cat can't get at it
the only problem I can see is that if you have to seperate them the space for a single piggy wont be adequate. You can put lids on c&c cages and may work out cheaper for more space. You would be able to split that as well
Boars really do need more space than sows. As madguinealady said, dividing that cage in half would not provide enough space for each boar. A single piggy requires at least 6 square grids of floorspace, which is equal to 2x3, so a 2x6 C&C cage with a roof would be perfect because it would be very spacious for your pair of boars to live together but in the event they don't get along it can be divided in half and the space would still be adequate.
Thanks everyone for the help in no longer getting the boars since the person who was gonna give me one decided to keep it. I found to sows at my resque I'm picking up today i decided to make a c&c cage. Its alot bigger then the cage i asked about here. Thx again!
Oh how exciting that you are getting your piggies today! I hope you can share some pigtures for us to drool over :))
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