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Is this fungal, am I doing the right thing?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 6, 2010
Reaction score
Near Plymouth, Devon.
My poor Bailey has been through enough in her life, what with losing her eye and her horrid treatment at her last home, and now this has happened :( Nova was treated for a fungal infection and now I think Bailey has it, so everypig is having a Nizoral bath today.
This came on all of a sudden, one day it wasn't there, the next it was! :(
I have bathed Bailey already and have been treating these patches with Canesten 1%. Is this the right way to go, and how often do I need to give her Nizoral baths now?


It looks very much like it, but I would have confirmed it by your vet. Poor Bailey!

My Nerys has ringworm as well - like you said, it was suddenly there and looking really bad where she'd scratched herslef bloody. See 3rd pic: http://www.guinealynx.info/fungus.html

I would bath every third day for two or three times, then weekly. I have put aloe vera gel on any open sores to prevent infection.
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the first 7-14 days / until the scabs are gone are contagious to animals and humans you need to continue treatment for 2wks after hair regrowth, so total around 5-6 wks, incubation period is 1 mth so your others may show no signs for 1 mth so you also need to bath them in Nizoral now too as a preventive.

keep on with the cream you are using twice a day for around 4-6wks, but you should see hair regrowth in around 10 days x
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