I've Been A Very Naughty Girl Santa!

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Anniversary Herd
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Wigan, UK
So, it has been my plan to give a home to some more piggies in the new year once i've rearranged the piggy room, after loosing two of my tribe over the course of the year. Today i gave a home (a little early!) to two knew girls. They were advertised on my local pet site, the owner had only had them a week and couldn't stand the smell... Suffice to say I went up to get them. They are only baby's, around 6-8 weeks old (I'm terrible with telling baby pig ages so please correct me if i'm wrong) both shy girls but not skitty. Thankfully I have the cage they are in for qaurantine and to give me time to sort my pig room out to create a C&C cage of their own for them.

Introducing Winne (the white fluffy lady) and Lyza (the chinchilla coated girl).

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Now, my youngest pigs i have ever had where 9 months old and a lot bigger than these girls so if there is any secret tips of the trade when it comes to pigs so young please let me know. I also intend to read through the sight to make sure I have gathered extra info :)
What gorgeous ladies. Love the little white ones funky coat and eyes. She's beautiful but both are so pretty. :)

I'm glad they are with you and will grow up knowing what a loving home is rather than passed around.
Awwww they are SO gorgeous! And I'm so pleased they'll have a lovely Christmas too! Well worth going on the naughty list for :xd:
Haha, I don't mind not getting anymore presents from Santa, it's worth it! :lol!:
:agr: I'm thinking of asking for more cosy caves and a fleece forest corner instead of perfume! You'll have SUCH a wonderful Christmas now playing with your new girls! :clap:
Haha yes I will! I think the cosy caves and forest corner are a very good idea and if Santa doesn't bring them there will be issues!
They are beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

We gave Widget unlimited pellets but obviously smaller portions of veg as she was growing. Wiebke's excellent Balanced Diet sticky runs through a few things on younger piggies http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/...or-a-balanced-general-guinea-pig-diet.116460/

Congratulations again, Winne and Lyza are stunning!
I honestly don't know, strangest excuse I've ever heard. I know piggies have a smell, but it's by far a stinky kind of smell, unless you don't clean them properly! :doh:
Aww very cute. I can't believe they used an excuse like that to get rid of them. Wee souls. If they think those 2 smell I wouldn't like to see what they think of a cage with 2 boars! :yikes: Lol. My 2 can smell strong but I still love them. :roll:
Some people are pet likers and then theirs us pet lovers. We don't care about any stink lol!
What an adorable lovely pair of little beauties. Now that they are in a good loving home, they can only flourish.
Keep posting the pictures as they grow up.
That is so stupid that anyone would get of a animal because of a smell, i never think they smell or i am just used to it, as had many hamsters and guinea pigs at one point and that was not even bad, of they can't stand it after a week when they don't smell, they would hate to be around a elderly hamster or a female hamster
It's daft. I understand that animals smell, but I can only guess that she didn't think they would have any smell. Some people are just stupid.
Thanks Helen. Some people are just daft I think. Oh well more fool them, I've ended up with two lovely little girls! I'm just glad she had enough heart not to send them back to the pet shop. They are lovely little ladies :)
Aw what a big heart you have. They are animals so of course they will smell, it's humans responsibility to keep on top of cage cleaning grr!

Happy Xmas to you and your extended furry family!
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