Jeremy Our New/old Dog!

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Jennifer D

Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
As promised, here are some photos. We only just picked him up so he's very worried and confused, the poor guy. Eagle has given him a few grrrs in regards to food areas and beds (he's too short to jump up so we are going to keep him off the beds anyways) and his ears are absolutely awful, so he'll be going into the vet when we get his previous vet records. For those who didn't see the last thread of him, Jeremy is a 12 year old cocker spaniel rescue that we adopted. His previous owner had Alzheimer's and Jeremy was placed into emergency boarding at the humane society. When it became clear that his owner was not going to be able to care for him again, he went to a rescue. He is deaf and has some bad ear infections that I'm hoping to clear up with a change in diet since he wasn't on a very good food previously. Anyways, here he is!

He is so lovely! You are so kind to give him such a loving wonderful home.
Aww. Handsome old boy. Hope he settles soon. He is probably confused as to what's happening now. Glad you all gave him a lovely home.
Aww he's gorgeous. I have a 9 year old cavalier. It's so nice as whenever I see your pictures, I can really see how happy your pets make you :-)
Awww He is lovely and I am sure is going to be very happy in his new fantastic home with you.
Mine is supposed to be a pedigree but he's bigger than a true breed so not convinced.., never the less he is still gorgeous!
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