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just a quick question....

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are ants okay to be in the hutch of my guinea pigs outside?and if not what do i use, because i dont wanna use anything harmfull to the pigs-or my dog.gemxinbreedinginbreeding
They could irritate the guinea pigs skin (make them itchy) and can give nasty bites. :(
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oh god! i noticed a couple on the carrot and a bit of apple that they left in the cage that i was picking out, and occassionally i see some crawling up the bars! will have to look into something animal friendly to keep them at bay, unless anyones got any tips on enviromentally products they use instead that you can find in the house? gemx
i have this **** i did put ant powder all round bottom of hutch this did cure the buggers and when piggies came out for run i let them have a run away from hutch and not in run underneath .but have noticed they are coming back i have ants over sweetcorn its only where food is . and slugs
Ants (also wasps, hover fies and flies) are a pest for piggies outside. They are attracted to the fruit and veg. One way is to not leave uneaten food laying around. If there is no food to eat the ants will look elsewhere.

Ant powder is OK (I`ve used it) but be careful, it is highly toxic both to youself and animals / birds etc. If its windy pigs can breath it in and even eat it if it settles on the hay / dried grass.

However, I`ve never read a report where a pig has died of a few ants around the hutch. A lot of ants (an army) is another matter. Also, the type of ant my pose a problem. My ants are the very small type as found in England.

Thanx for this thread. Its a real problem which has not been properly discussed.

Anders, xx>>>
Oh, I forgot to mention that as far as I know ants don`t poison the food like flies. I might be wrong so don`t take this as gospel.

removing un eaten food is a good idea. My garden is plagued with ants and
i have seen some near and in the cage but not in large numbers. The dont bother the pigs so much

it generally the slugs that are more of a pest

if the hutch is sited on or near an ant nest - i would suggest moving it - treat the nest with ant powder and dont put it back for a while
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