Just Curious If Anyone Else Has A Piggy Like This?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
My old pigs Mopsy and Flopsy were forever jumping off of things, usually the sofa or from top floors of their hutch. They had good fun doing it even though i was constantly worried they'd hurt themselves. My current piggy Twix is the same. Always jumps of stuff. Not in the slightest afraid of hights! I'm just wondering if i just happen to have 3 weirdos or is this a piggy thing? Does anyone else get it?
Some piggies love the "high life" - up to and including stair climbing and jumping on and off sofas. Others are too timid. ;)

I've had a few notable jumpers, especially my Minx, who discovered stari climbing as a hobby just ten days before giving birth to two unplanned shop babies! Try to explain with a straight face that the cardboard barrier is because you have to piggy-proof your staircase! :mal:
i've never had a piggy who has jumped up onto things. eddie can popcorn really high though. :))
Pumpkin and Boo climb like hamsters! They climbed out of the grids I made their run out of. They sit on top of, rather than inside, their pigloos too.
I'm sure that if I gave my piggy Bacon the chance to jump off of things, he would! :) Eggs would most likely be too timid... but every piggy is different! I guess some are just thrill seekers.
Yes some of my pigs were definitely daredevils and escape artists in a previous life. Mouse particularly likes to leap from great heights.. I quite often find her on top of her house which is quite high up really compared with how big she is! She clambers up the side of the cage and leans right out the hatch when it's feeding time too.
Well thats been interesting to hear from you's all. So we have a few thrill seekers! :D and i just love it because Mopsy amd Flopsy only started doing it after i dressed them in wee capes one halloween. :D and i must say @weibke fair play to Minx doing that whilst pregnant! :O Hardy pig! lol
turtle will just walk off things and assume you will catch her, no matter where she is, or if your paying attention
turtle will just walk off things and assume you will catch her, no matter where she is, or if your paying attention
That sounds just like Twix. Doesn't even think that she could get hurt! She's daft! First day i met her she was jumping of all my mates furniture! She was the loopy one! lol Need to make her a wee parachute! haha!
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