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Katie has mammary cancer

I'm so sorry Eileen. I hope that the oncologist can help give you some more time with Katie. Sending you the biggest hug.❤️❤️
Oh Eileen I’m so sorry that the diagnosis isn’t better. I hope you have loads more happy times with Katie
So sorry to read this Eileen. It’s always hard receiving news of this nature. I hope you are holding up ok xx
Katie has seen a oncologist today.The wound is healing well.Katie started chemotherapy intravenously today,To have four treatments 3 weeks apart,Apparently cats cope far better than humans !
prognosis is still guarded,6 months to a year.I'm just happy to have more quality time.Katie will have a better quality life.she is bright at the minute.She has had a long day traveling,and iv chemotherapy
i will update as i know how its progressing.
Aw that’s good to hear Katie is doing well, hope she continues and enjoys lots more fun and happiness with you
Sending Katie healing vibes. I hope she had many more happy days with you. 😍
So pleased Katie is doing ok. Fingers crossed that it continues and you get to spend as much time as possible together.x
Ah that’s good to hear - enjoy all your days together ❤️
Sorry Eileen I didn’t mean that it was good to hear about what lovely Katie has been thru and is going thru but that it was good to hear she is coping with the treatment and you have a lot more days together ❤️❤️
Katie is now two weeks into her 1st chemotherapy.She is now eating well.she was in the garden for alot of the day,just sleeping.Katie is due her second dose on Tuesday of next week.She will need gabepentin dose to sedate her,as she found it stressful having cannulas placed.She is normally very placid.She always follows me around and sits near me.She is a good companion.
the guinea pigs are as well,as i have to tend to there needs.
So pleased to hear that Katie is doing well. Hope the next round of treatment goes well.xx