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keeping pigs warm in winter?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 6, 2011
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so my boys are now living in a shed :) does anyone have any tips on how they keep their outdoor pigs warm? so far we have insulated the hutch with this thermal bubblewrap stuff, draped bubblewrap all over the hutch. we have kept the waterproof cover on just for added warmth and we will put some blankets and fleece over it too. we are also going to cover the water bottles with bubblewrap and socks. we are also in the proccess of insulating the shed with thermal bubblewrap however it still seems freezing in there. oh and we also have those snugglesafe heatpads which they like although they only seem to last about 5 hours which is barely enough to get them through a freezing cold night. they have a cozy tunnel and a big furry bed aswell but they dont use them much. what else can i do? it doesnt seem enough to keep them warm! i know people say put lots of hay over the whole hutch but i have developed a really bad allergy to hay so i can only give the pigs hay cookies and hay cakes etc. i use megazorb bedding but if i covered it with hay it would be much warmer... what else could i cover the hutch with? could i use shredded paper or would that give them paper cuts? i know many people also put in nest boxes filled with hay... what could i use as an alternative, would it work if i put a big fleece blanket in which they could bury in or would that not be very warm? please give me any ideas, thanks in advance x
I've got a 8x6 shed, i've got this from Wickes, it's 150mm space blanket insulation. The insulation is all enclosed in the silver foil blanket. it's buy 1 get 3 free and cost £16 a roll, ;)

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