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Killing Time Before 2am Hand Feeding...youtube It Is! Plus Update.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Cheshire/S. Manko
Unfortunately I am back where I was a few months ago, my poor Twirl isn't doing so great and I'm having to support feed her round the clock. I will never get used to this part of sharing life with my little furry friends. She has a tummy/digestion issue following a very brief bought of bloat and is on antibiotics, also found an ovarian cyst so she is feeling quite uncomfortable although pain relief is helping. I'm not sure which route we will take, as she is heading towards being an elderly lady, but we are crossing that bridge next week as we are first trying to get her tum problem under control. Although I have a feeling the cyst has something to do with her lack of appetite.

Sadly my lil hambo ham is in her final weeks too, she is sleeping lots and looking really rather old. It wasn't unexpected as she has been with me over a year and she was an adult when I adopted her. It is just hard to see them fade. We went out and picked a (what will be a beautiful) rose bush and pot for her when the time comes,so come summer I can look out and remember her.

I'm sorry not to return on a brighter note. I had hoped I'd left it all behind in 2014 but it appears to be catching up. All the other babes are doing well although Stanley has had a few issues with his chest again, concensus is that it will be on and off for the rest of his days as the state of his lungs aren't brilliant, but he is doing well and is a happier chappy.

Hoping everyone and their little ones are doing well, all my love to you and them x
Sorry to hear your little one isn't doing great. Supporting our furry friends can be quite a challenge but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Stick in there she will let you know when the time is right. I have been astonished on many occasions with what dedication and supportive care can do. I wouldn't worry to much about her age, I have had a little pig who was around 5 at the time go through a very lengthy procedure and come round wonderfully. There may be other options for cyst's to, wait and see what the vet visit brings.

I hope your lil hambo slips peacefully into her forever sleep when the time is right. It's never a happy time when our little one's are unwell but without sadness we would never truly appreciate the happiness they bring. Something I struggle with but I can appreciate the cycle of life.

Big Hugs. x
It always amazes me how such a little Piggie can be such a madam, her syringe food has to be just the right consistenc, temperature, ratio of poop soup/nuggets/recovery before she will even allow the syringe near her face! In the past when I've had to hand feed they've put up a fuss but once youve started they just get on with it. But no, Twirl is a unique case, lol.

Thank you Jo, we are off to the vets this afternoon to see if there is anything more we can do in the meantime. Twix (believed to be Twirl's sister) went through an ovariectomy at the end of summer last year as she didn't respond to the injections and she came through it all OK, I just can't help but worry!
Thankyou again, I hope little Sandy will too, she is just been for a wander, had some baby food and gone back to bed. I think we are close as her breathing has become erratic and her sleeping pattern has gone haywire, although she I fairly bright considering and still comes over for a quick tickle and to see what home are being offered. The restlessness and wobbling is something I always struggle to watch in hammies.

I think her cyst has grown a little over the last wheek, Molly only found one on her left side, which she said is unusual as they normally start on the right, so there is a possibility thast it may have burst? I feel awful for not having found it sooner. Unfortunately Twirl really does not like being handled and freaks out and becomes very distressed by even the weekly health check and weigh in. I therefore don't tend to handle her too much, but luckily she is OK with being touched when in her cage or during free roaming. We'll see what happens this afternoon.
Jeni, I am really sorry to hear this. It is non stop for you lately. You are such a great piggy mum, they are so lucky to have someone so loving and experienced helping them. Sending Twirl lots of love, please let us know how she gets on.

Love to Sandy also x x
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