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Last Night's Tea

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 14, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane QLD Australia
It is either raining or hot & steamy here in the daytime lately. So I either have to go out & cut grass for the boys on rainy days or put them out for their tea in the cool, dry evening. Last night was lovely so out they went for their tea.

Guarded by the pooch of course (who eagerly searched the lawn for you-know-what after the runs were removed)
Aww lucky piggies! Your dog is so cute :love: Is he/she a Lhasa apso? Or a shih tzu? I never can tell the difference. We have a pampered Shih tzu, Poppy, who says hello ! View attachment 23148
Oh Poppy is just adorable! Want to pick her up & hug her right out of her piccy. My Oreo is a girl, a shih tzu / maltese terrier cross. We blame all her bad habits on the "Maltese terrorist" in her and all her good habits on the shih tzu genes.
Oh Poppy is just adorable! Want to pick her up & hug her right out of her piccy. My Oreo is a girl, a shih tzu / maltese terrier cross. We blame all her bad habits on the "Maltese terrorist" in her and all her good habits on the shih tzu genes.
Sounds like a good way for Oreo to have the best of both worlds !
That grass looks amazing ! I'm jealous !

I wish I could bring my guinea pigs over to have tea at your place !
That grass looks amazing ! I'm jealous !

I wish I could bring my guinea pigs over to have tea at your place !
My vet recently said the same thing when a while back she dropped off some critical care for my then ill Peanut Butter. I did offer her my lawn for her piggies but she didn't take me up on it.
My vet recently said the same thing when a while back she dropped off some critical care for my then ill Peanut Butter. I did offer her my lawn for her piggies but she didn't take me up on it.
I'm sure your piggies will be much happier if they can keep all that grass to themselves !
Awww, I bet they loved that!

The last photo made me lol Poo-Hunter :)) :))
Awww, I bet they loved that!

The last photo made me lol Poo-Hunter :)) :))
Yes, she's learnt where there's piggies there's some tasty stuff about! I can't do much about her poaching them on the lawn as I can't even see them. But after floor time or sofa time it's always a race me putting the boys back in their cages and returning to tidy up and how many she can scoff in between.
Haha! My dog also loves the little things they leave behind :) I am SOOOO jealous of your grass! I like mowing better than shovelling snow LOL
Haha! My dog also loves the little things they leave behind :) I am SOOOO jealous of your grass! I like mowing better than shovelling snow LOL
I'm with you there! Lived in Toronto for a few years in the 70s. I do not miss having to shovel snow at 5am so I could leave for work & then shovelling it on my return so I could get back in!
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