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Little old Lady

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Jul 30, 2007
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walsall west midlands
Hi everyone its been a while since ive been on here but i have a problem my little old lady Winjit doesnt seem right she has lost wieght and seems to be holding her rear end up i put a heat pad in there for her as she was snuggling up to the other pigs and when they moved she went strate to find another pig to snuggle to she does sit on the heat pad now but this morning i noticed a small spot of blood on her anus, i have booked her in the vet but i am afraid what he will say as she is 7 yrs old anyone got any advice thanks x
I can't make comment love as i've not had girls, but want you to know i'm thinking of you both xx>>>xx>>>xx>>>xx>>>
Seven is a wonderful age gosh she's done so well and you too xxxxxxxxx
Has she an infection? could you give her some pain relief and some probiotics to releive her discomfort?
all the very very best for you both xxxxxxxxxxx xx>>>xx>>>xx>>>xx>>>
7 is a good age but don't be put off (or let the vet put you off) doing something for her. If she has lost weight that could be for lots of reasons but unless you start helping her by syringe feeding, she will only get weaker. It never ceases to amaze me how, if you can get them to take food/water and put some weight back on them, it gives their bodies the chance to fight whatever is wrong with them. With any piggie, especially if they are old, they don't have to be off their food for long before they go downhill fast.
She must see a vet as she may need antibiotics, painkillers or other treatment.
Obviously it may be her time to go but please give her a chnace and if she will take syringe feeding, then that is a good sign that she is not ready just yet.
All the best.
Ditto to sueonmull. Pigs tend to be fighters when given a chance. My vet said one of my girls (who had pneumonia) was best kept at home, rather than having intensive treatment at the surgery, as he felt "she doesn't have long left". She's still here over a year and a half later!

As any animal gets older, the vet inevitably asks the question "what's her quality of life like?". As far as piggies go, as long as they are eating, interested in their surroundings, relatively active (i.e. not sitting hunched up all day) and are generally happy, the quality of life is *generally* okay.

It sounds like she may have an infection; most commonly a urinary infection causes blood around the genitals. Urinary infections also often cause weight loss, if the pain is so great they are not eating as much as normal.

Best bet is to get her checked at the vet; hopefully it is something simple and easily treatable. Good luck.
Don't be talked into anything that you are not completely happy with. She may have a uti. Hope the vets visit goes well.
Unfortunatly i have lost my beloved Winjit she died a few hours before i had chance to get her to the vets i am very sad i have just buired her in the garden she was a lovely pig and i will never forget her RIP little girl xxxxx
So sorry to hear she didn't make it, but what a good age to get to, and at least she died at home in familiar surroundings.

Sending hugs,

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Take peace knowing she was with you at the end. 7 is a good age so all credit to you x
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