Look Who Was In My Bedroom Last Night...

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Essex, UK.
Those of you with a nervous disposition, look away now!
She is a common House spider, Gigantica domestica in Latin. I caught her in my little inspection pot and put her outside.
I don't mind spiders in my house as long as they're not the Daddy Long-legged species. I hate those!


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Wow...Not seen any spiders in my house for ages! Should we be so kind as to tag Lee in this thread...
:DJust found another spider (different species) in my lounge this morning. It hid in a crack in my fireplace before I could get a picture. Dratt!
Aw what a cutie! I always shout out for my OH when I find one, he always comes running and then bolts when I pick them up....lol. I once sublet a corner of my room to a serious beasty spider when I lived in my uni house. He stayed for about two weeks, sometimes he would explore but mostly he liked chilling in his corner and we'd do our own thing:) but one day I came home from lectures and he was gone :bye: I never did find out what happened to him:no:.
EURGH I don't mind most spiders but those big meaty ones give me the heebie-jeebies!
There's an insane amount of spiders in my house at the moment! Every time I move something in the hall way one appears! (What was slightly worrying is one wandered out from my luggage that I had yet to unpack from a recent trip to Central America; I did worry that it might be a little less friendly than our lovely British variety...)

I'm not massively bothered by spiders; I tend to either ignore them or put them outside. I did have a rather large, long legged thing ruin a romantic moment the other night though, as it casually abseiled into the middle of my boyfriend's face...
I don't mind them at all. Big spider equals big eater of flies etc so welcome to live in my house. But preferably live behind furniture and not spin big webs that show up the dust please :lol!:
Oh god! There was a 'daddy long leg' type spider in my room last night! Not the flying kind. I could feel its presents, it was right over my bed to! Ew ew ew. Got my OH to get rid of it! :D then I could sleep with easy without having to hide under my duvet all night in case it dropped on me! Errrrrr the thought makes me shudder!
I don't mind them at all. Big spider equals big eater of flies etc so welcome to live in my house. But preferably live behind furniture and not spin big webs that show up the dust please :lol!:

Exactly! :agr:
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