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Loosing Weight

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 10, 2016
Reaction score
One of my piggies is loosing weight but I don't know if this much is normal. Last week when I started to weigh my piggies he was 1224g. Now today when I weighed him he was 1210g.
He seems to be eating fine. I did let them have each other's cage for about a week. My girl however, only lost 4g. and she was at 1044 last week.
Is there anything wrong. Also my girl's cage is much smaller than my boy's.
Did you weigh them at the same time.of day as last week? I think up to 30g difference is ok as a full/empty bladder can account for that change. Also if you weighed them after eating last time but before eating this time, that would also account for the loss. But if you're worried maybe weigh them again in a day or 2 and see if its dropped even more.
Did you weigh them at the same time.of day as last week? I think up to 30g difference is ok as a full/empty bladder can account for that change. Also if you weighed them after eating last time but before eating this time, that would also account for the loss. But if you're worried maybe weigh them again in a day or 2 and see if its dropped even more.
Thx I'll see if that helps. I have been having trouble with weighing them at the same time of day because of school and I have off today. I was supposed to weigh them last night but I forgot to.
I'm also very bad at weighing at the same time of day. Life just doesn't always allow for it...
Might be worth a try though just to make sure they aren't continuing to lose.
I did have the same thing with my piggy Gleb, his weight did fluctuate a lot but the weight for adult piggies is 900g - 1600g and that is 700 grams difference so I wouldn't be worried if the weight went down about 14 grams like yours, however I would recommend weighing him regularly this coming weight and to monitor his weight closely.
I weigh mine weekly and my oldest guinea often fluctuates about 20g up and down. She's a big girl at over 1200g and has always been like this.
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