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Lump exploded with pus


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 4, 2018
Reaction score
Alright everyone. This morning I was holding my boy Midas and I noticed a HUGE lump on his neck. Now, Midas is my favorite. I have him with me all the time, I just noticed the lump today. But its enormous. Just as I was looking at it it burst open and a LOT of pus cane out. Thick, white, cheesy pus. No blood. I immediately called the vet and she said the dr is in surgery and I have to wait until shes done but that he should be fine until then. What should I do in the meantime? My fiance suggested I give him a bath, but I feel like soaking it in water wouldnt be good. He is acting normal, hes eating right now.
It sounds like an exploded abscess so he will definitely need a vet visit. You could try cleaning the pus away with homemade saline solution. Mix 1pint of cool boiled water from the kettle with a teaspoon of salt
It is either a burst cyst or a burst abscess. If you are going to get him to the vets later tonight then he should be fine for you to leave him. Might be best not to mess with it too much until he has seen a vet.
Alright everyone. This morning I was holding my boy Midas and I noticed a HUGE lump on his neck. Now, Midas is my favorite. I have him with me all the time, I just noticed the lump today. But its enormous. Just as I was looking at it it burst open and a LOT of pus cane out. Thick, white, cheesy pus. No blood. I immediately called the vet and she said the dr is in surgery and I have to wait until shes done but that he should be fine until then. What should I do in the meantime? My fiance suggested I give him a bath, but I feel like soaking it in water wouldnt be good. He is acting normal, hes eating right now.

Hi! Please take a deep breath! While it is grotty and upsetting, your piggy will keep until it is being seen. The lump will now be a lot less painful that the pressure has gone.

Leave it as it is and leave the cleaning up to the vet if they can see it as an emergency. It is either a burst abscess (very stinky) or a cyst (more firm and cheesy texture).
A burst abscess needs to be kept open and flushed out with a mild disinfectant twice daily for as long as possible (ideally as close to 10 days as you can get) in order to let it heal from the inside but allow every speck of infection to come out. this is combined with a strong antibiotic.
If it is a burst cyst, then your vet needs to decide whether surgical removal will be better, as it will keep refilling.

Please have any fast growing lump seen as quickly as possible. Abscesses, tumours and even cysts can triple or quadruple in size within 24 hours; it can be a very frightening experience because you can quite literally watch them growing. The sooner they can be treated, the better.
Sounds like a burst cyst or abscess. Does it smell terrible? Abscesses have a special funk all their own. It will need vet followup to determine the best way forward (either flushing it and giving an antibiotic, surgically removing the capsule so it doesn't refill, etc.) But he should be fine while you wait for the appointment.
Hi! Please take a deep breath! While it is grotty and upsetting, your piggy will keep until it is being seen. The lump will now be a lot less painful that the pressure has gone.

Leave it as it is and leave the cleaning up to the vet if they can see it as an emergency. It is either a burst abscess (very stinky) or a cyst (more firm and cheesy texture).
A burst abscess needs to be kept open and flushed out with a mild disinfectant twice daily for as long as possible (ideally as close to 10 days as you can get) in order to let it heal from the inside but allow every speck of infection to come out. this is combined with a strong antibiotic.
If it is a burst cyst, then your vet needs to decide whether surgical removal will be better, as it will keep refilling.

Please have any fast growing lump seen as quickly as possible. Abscesses, tumours and even cysts can triple or quadruple in size within 24 hours; it can be a very frightening experience because you can quite literally watch them growing. The sooner they can be treated, the better.
That last part made me feel much better. I was feeling like a terrible mama for not noticing it, because I have him out all the time but today when I picked him up I noticed it in 2 seconds. People have told me they grow like that suddenly. And I'm sure he is a lot more comfortable now that its popped. Heading to the vet soon. Thank you for your help!
Just left the vet. Hes staying over night and will have surgery first thing in the morning to remove the abscess. Will update tomorrow! Picture of him waiting patiently for the vet to take him to his 5 star hotel for the night


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Finn and Lara send lots of love and kisses to Midas. Wish Midas the best outcome.
Healing vibes for Midas... :luv:
So hes been doing great since the surgery, eating and drinking fine, acting fine, no problem. This morning though his breathing is a little funny. It sounds like he has a lot of mucus and hes breathing very fast. Theres no discharge around his eyes or nose. Should I take him back to the vet or am I just overreacting?
I would take him to the vet to be checked out just in case. I hope he is okay, let us know how he gets on.
Just caught up with this thread.
Glad Midas did well after surgery.
I would take him to the vet again to check his breathing.
Let us know how you get on.
Hope you’re coping ok too, sounds as if it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions for you this week
My vet was closed yesterday, so i was going to take him today. Sadly he didnt make it through the night. RIP Midas. Thread in the rainbow bridge forum ❤
My vet was closed yesterday, so i was going to take him today. Sadly he didnt make it through the night. RIP Midas. Thread in the rainbow bridge forum ❤
Whaaat... oh nooo Midas you sweet little furry sausage. Everything had been going so well, I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your gorgeous gorgeous boy.
Whaaat... oh nooo Midas you sweet little furry sausage. Everything had been going so well, I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your gorgeous gorgeous boy.
He was doing so great. He was eating, drinking, playing, cuddling, he was fine. I thought we had made it. I was so heartbroken
He was doing so great. He was eating, drinking, playing, cuddling, he was fine. I thought we had made it. I was so heartbroken
Everyone though he had made it, all the signs were so good but it shows how heartbreakingly fast things can go downhill. You did everything you could to help him so please try not to feel bad. Remember him for all the joy and good times he brought along. :hug:
I'm so sorry, was just catching up with this thread and things seemed to be going well.You did your very best for him.
Big hugs xx
What?!? Oh no I can't believe it! He seemed to be doing so well too. My heart goes out to you. He had to have the operation so don't blame yourself about that. Give yourself time to grieve.