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Lump on side of face?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 3, 2009
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Hi there,

When I got up this morning, I noticed one of my girls , Mouse, had a swollen looking face. On closer inspection, she has a lump on sid of her face/jaw. It's around size of malteaser and hard, but doesn't seem to be causing her any pain. She's been eating/drinking as normal, only slight difference ive noticed i she's a bit quieter than she normally is.

She's booked into Vets, but just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas what it is?

Lynds x
I have no idea i'm afraid. Definitely the right idea to get her seen by a vet.

Hope you get on ok x
My Eliza has 2 small hard lumps. One near her back leg and the other near her nipple. The vet has said that they are likely to be fatty lumps or harmless cysts and we are to keep an eye on them. If they grow or start to annoy her, the vet can remove them but will only do this if necessary due to the GA.

The one near her back leg has been there for over a year now and has nearly disappeared and the one near her nipple has been there for a couple of months. That one was the one that concerned us because of its location but that has got smaller now as well.

The lump on your piggy is probably perfectly harmless but it is always wise to have lumps checked by a vet :)
Thanks for your replies.

As I say, it doesn't seem to be causing her any distress, so hopefully will be nothing to worry about x
I hope that is not an abscess!

Unfortunately, lumps are one of the things that need to be seen and felt by a vet, so good on you for booking her straight in.

Best of luck for Mouse!
Lynds, I feel an abscess is likely based on your description. Other causes are possible of course. One way for the vet to determine what the lump contains is to use a needle to aspirate the contents, if there is sign of pus then a small incision would be needed and the pus drained, and advice given about ongoing care. (Which should be that the incision should remain open until you are getting no more pus out of the abscess)

I have had one sow who presented with an abscess on her upper jaw - no idea what caused it, but it was lanced and drained by CCT. The necrotic tissue was also removed at this time, so the abscess healed fully with no further treatment. I've also dealt with a couple of abscesses on the lower jaw, one of them a pretty nasty one.
Sounds like an abscess, my piggie had one, same thing her face looked swollen and a hard lump on jaw, the vet told me they are very common on the jaw, unfortunately it was advanced by the time i noticed ( id been on holiday and my husband had been looking after them) and she didnt pull through, on the brighter side though my other piggie had a small one like yours and it got sorted easily as i caught it straight away, so good idea to get to vets as soon as you can. x
My brother's little pig had a nasty abscess on the side of his face too and although he was pretty miserable when it was there, it was lanced and treated with anti-biotics and cleared up in no time

Hope your little pig is okay :)
George had an abcess recently and we had to clean it with salt water three times a day to keep it open until it had gone down then apply medical manuka honey as well as the usual painkillers and antibiotics. Did the trick and healed up nicely.
Hope Mouse is better soon. x
Definitely see the vet ASAP to get it diagnosed... jaw abscesses can be nasty if not caught early. We lost a piggie last summer because the infection spread into the jawbone and caused osteomyelitis. It's also worth getting her teeth looked at while you're there, because overgrown teeth can be a contributing factor to abscesses around the mouth. Hope all goes well and she is back to normal soon!
Hi there,

Little mouse went to vets this morning, it was an abscess as you guys thought, and turns out a pretty nasty one. She's been struggling to eat last couple of days too and has started to lose weight.

She was booked into vets this morning to go under aneasthetic and have it removed fully, so have my fingers and toes crossed that she makes it through surgery ok!

Not great sadly :( She's went downhill rapidly, the abscess was very large and had started to affect jaw etc. She's at home with us recovering at the moment, however just looks like a defeated little pig.

We going to keep a close eye on her tonight, however if things dont improve, think it'll be kinder to put her to sleep :( But will keep fingers and toes crossed tonight x
poor thing, keep her warm, try and get fluids and food into her by syringe if you can. Contact guinea pig helpline for some advice too. Thinking of you x

My Lyla of 7 has this, I have taken her to the vet, she said that she is too old for surgery, and from the looks of it its only getting worse, its so large that it is twisting her face to one side, but she still is eating and drinking.
--I give her 1/2 of a baby asprin for pain and swelling,(vet okayed this, as long as no bleeding from bottom) this seems to help, ...I won't put her down until i know that she can no longer eat! I hate this part of pet owner ship, --I have had to do it before and stayed w/ them until the very last, very very hard, but what other choice do i have? Its very hard and its probably not the regular fatty cysts as i have experienced before, and had removed, this may be cancerous, and it happened so fast! ...No-one can say for sure, any thoughts on how to keep her comfortable?, I massage her daily and fluff up her bedding for comfort, I wish i could do more for her pain.

-Sherrilynn770 & @ "Piggie Health" forum here
Not great sadly :( She's went downhill rapidly, the abscess was very large and had started to affect jaw etc. She's at home with us recovering at the moment, however just looks like a defeated little pig.

We going to keep a close eye on her tonight, however if things dont improve, think it'll be kinder to put her to sleep :( But will keep fingers and toes crossed tonight x

Did they say what it was--My lyla has same thing, too old for surgery! -Good luck on your piggies recovery, I had one who had surgery to remove a fatty cyst on her side, she looked terrible too, but recovered, gained her weight back and lived another 2 years! So don't give up yet!

sherrilynn770 (lyla at bottom of feed)
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