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Maud has finally found a friend

Baby Esme cuddles. She is settling in really well and Maud is fine with her as long as Esme doesn't go near her favourite fleece tunnel. That is definitely not allowed. Neither does she like Esme fraternising with the boys through the C&C during floor time. Esme gets chased away and Maud chatters her teeth at the boys. She is very protective of her new friend.View attachment 247474
Oh Esme you little flirty girlie ❤️
Miss Bramble will approve, Maud is obviously making sure that Esme stays "nice" 😁
Baby Esme is being a naughty young piggy, flaunting herself at the boys. Maud was frantic yesterday when when both our boys were rumble strutting at Esme. Esme seems to like all the attention, she doesn't understand yet that boys mean TROUBLE. Maud will keep her 'nice', she thinks boys are the root of all evil.
Here is Esme being a bit too friendly with Arfur. She is so outgoing and has no fear of us. I got a nip tonight when she thought I had held her for too long. A piggy weighing less than 300g biting a large potential predator, that is real attitude.😀

Here is Esme being a bit too friendly with Arfur. She is so outgoing and has no fear of us. I got a nip tonight when she thought I had held her for too long. A piggy weighing less than 300g biting a large potential predator, that is real attitude.😀

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She sounds like perfect GPFANS material. :whistle: