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Maximum climb/jump height for piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
New Brunswick
Vaguely planning a custom-built cage for my piggies for next year and was wondering what the maximum height walls should be to ensure piggies won't scale them? I'm planning a 2 storey construction so need to be sure it's piggie proof.

Mine are currently in a cage with a roof, but when they are out in their indoor run they are able to stand up and stretch to nearly reach the top bars with their paws. I can imagine when they're fully grown they'll be able to clamber over.
A minimum of 14 inches height to prevent escape attempts...but a few pigs can scale the 14 inch high C&C grids. Such pigs would need walls of at least 20 inches to fully deter them - a tough higher if you aim to put any toys in that they might use to climb over.

Most pigs, even those that reach to the top when standing tall on their hind legs, won't try to climb over.
It's mostly the babies and youngsters you need to be wary of; most adults have learned not to risk high jumps and are no longer as agile. They also see the cage as their territory and don't want to sneak out - apart from the odd inveterate explorer or hobby jumper!
*does quick metric conversions* Thaaat's 35-50cm holy moly that's high!

I came across this setup on another forum


and thought with some dimension modifications and the addition of ramps I could implement something similar for my boys to give them loads of extra space. But I think the front pieces that look so appealing there would have to be made much much taller before I could be sure they weren't going to go AWOL.
With the front being perspex I would be shocked if any piggy could get out of there. The grids are different as they can go up the grid notches, in that photo they would have to scramble right up and over.
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