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New Born Pup
Oct 8, 2021
Reaction score
ive got medicine from the vet and i need to syringe feed it to her.

she will not take it. ive tried holding her but she just gets away. i dont know what else to try !

pls give me tips asap
What medication is she to have?

You have to be firm and it can also help to have two people do it if Possible - one person to hold piggy and the other to give the medication.
Follow it up with a nice tasting treat
You can also try wrapping piggy In a towel

Medicating your guinea pig - Instructional video on Facebook
What medication is she to have?

You have to be firm and it can also help to have two people do it if Possible - one person to hold piggy and the other to give the medication.
Follow it up with a nice tasting treat
You can also try wrapping piggy In a towel

Medicating your guinea pig - Instructional video on Facebook
baytril. i was told to give her twice daily. would it be ok to give her a dose at 4pm and then 8:30pm or is that too close together? thanks
Baytril tastes disgusting and most piggies won't take it willingly. You have just got to be firm. My Betsy loves Baytril but she is a straaaaaange piggie and is definitely in the minority! Follow it up with a tasty treat like coriander or bell pepper to take the nasty taste away.
Baytril tastes disgusting and most piggies won't take it willingly. You have just got to be firm. My Betsy loves Baytril but she is a straaaaaange piggie and is definitely in the minority! Follow it up with a tasty treat like coriander or bell pepper to take the nasty taste away.
yes that’s what i tried doing and i managed to get her to take it! i have her some yummy coriander after just like you said ! :)