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Meg has lost weight - a bit worried!


Anniversary Herd
Mar 26, 2017
Reaction score
Broadstone, Dorset
For the last 2 years Shy Little Meg has weighed on average around 1070g last week she weighed in at 994g and this week she weighed in at 957g. I'll be weighing her every day for a week to see if her weight changes. If she doesn't get back up to her usual weight I'll be taking her to the vet for a check over. She still is the same piggy, attitude not changed, wheeking (very) loudly at veg time (she is the chief wheeker!) still plays catch me if you can when I try to pick her up, still wants Christian's medicine.....
Hope Meg is ok, probably a good time to get out the porridge oats and a few extra root veggies just to help her a bit! X
Good idea. She wolfed down some melon skin this morning! The problem is Christian will have to have them too as if I separate them for more than a few minutes when I weigh Christian in the morning Meg gets most anxious and upset and if I take Meg out of the hutch for more than a few minutes for her health check Christian gets most anxious and upset. They have been like this since we lost Velvet last September. I suppose a few extra oats won't hurt Christian.
Good idea. She wolfed down some melon skin this morning! The problem is Christian will have to have them too as if I separate them for more than a few minutes when I weigh Christian in the morning Meg gets most anxious and upset and if I take Meg out of the hutch for more than a few minutes for her health check Christian gets most anxious and upset. They have been like this since we lost Velvet last September. I suppose a few extra oats won't hurt Christian.
I have this dilemma with handsome Ollie pigwig, Tallulah absolutely wont eat unless Ollie is there, but she needs many more calories than him! So Ollie weighs over 1200g now in order to keep his lovely little naked hippo wife weighing 850g. Ollie says its a tough job eating extra snacks to help maintain your partner's weight but he's sure Christian will manage somehow! :)
I have this dilemma with handsome Ollie pigwig, Tallulah absolutely wont eat unless Ollie is there, but she needs many more calories than him! So Ollie weighs over 1200g now in order to keep his lovely little naked hippo wife weighing 850g. Ollie says its a tough job eating extra snacks to help maintain your partner's weight but he's sure Christian will manage somehow! :)
Dear Ollie pigwig
I have to make a huge sacrifice. Slave says that my beautiful floofy Meg is losing weight. Slave also said that Meg has to have oats to help her weight loss. I hate being separated from my sister so that means I'll just have to eat the oats too. It's such a hard life being a guinea pig!
Lots of wheeks
Dear Christian,
Its a tough life for us handsome silver boars, often I have the difficult job on Wednesday afternoons of sleeping face down in a treat bag full of pear chunks and porridge oats just to keep my little wife Tallulah a healthy weight! Mummy hides the snacks so I get more exercise but once I find a paper bag and rip my way in like the strong manly boar I am I just have to take a nap face down in the pears. Stay strong and try to leave a few oats for Meg!
Wheeks and popcorns,
Ollie pigwig x