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Milkshake squeaking when peeing

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 28, 2009
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I'm sure this has been asked before but I wanted to start my own thread so I could easily find the advice I need. Milkshake my 2 and a half year old merino sow is currently hiding in the pigloo and is squeaking when she is peeing. There doesn't seem to be any blood but I am considering moving her and her best friend Maggie to another cage to monitor her to check for sure. What should I do to help her?
I'm sure this has been asked before but I wanted to start my own thread so I could easily find the advice I need. Milkshake my 2 and a half year old merino sow is currently hiding in the pigloo and is squeaking when she is peeing. There doesn't seem to be any blood but I am considering moving her and her best friend Maggie to another cage to monitor her to check for sure. What should I do to help her?

Ideally she needs to see a vet. She probably wants Pain relief as a bare minimum, and maybe a urine test to determine the cause (infection/cystitis etc.) depending on the results, maybe antibiotics

Hope she's feeling better soon!
even if there's no blood in her urine, it's possible she has a urinary tract infection. i would see a vet as she may need antibiotics and she'll want something for the pain as well if it hurts when she pees.
After further watching she is squeaking when pooping not peeing. Took her to the vet who felt her bladder and checked her over but couldn't find anything obvious so gave her Metacam and sent me home with liquid paraffin. She is having a sulk now.
Liquid Paraffin? Did they say why this would be used if she has an obstruction in her gut (ie, plastic bag).

Did they do a urine dip stick, as blood is not always visible to the naked eye.
As she is squeaking when pooing not peeing he proded her to check for stones and other obvious blockages. He couldn't find anything so the liquid paraffin is incase she is having trouble passing something. He didn't do any urine tests.
UTI can cause squeaking when pooping as well as peeing and it does not necessarily start with visibly bloody pee. At this time of year, especially after the current fall in temperatures, UTIs are very common.

Did your vet take a urine test to see whether there was blood in the urine and did they check whether there was really an obstruction in her guts? PS: feeling the bladder for a stone is not conclusive either - you need an x-ray (preferably without anaesthesia) for that if the pain continues.
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