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Miss You Tilly

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rosie and bramble

Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
Tyne & Wear
One of our lovely older girls Tilly passed away peacefully in her sleep yesterday afternoon, such a lovely girl. Was very unexpected :( RIP Tilly
What an awful shock, I am really sorry to hear of the loss of your little girl. Massive Hugs x

RIP Tilly
x x

I am so sorry! A sudden loss can really whack you as you can't brace for it and are left with lots of unanswerable questions, even more so at this time of the year. :(

RIP Tilly
Thanks everyone :)
Got to say it's been hard but on a positive note at least i know she was peacefully sleeping due to the way she was lying. Over the spring/summer we had 2 trips to the vet for a uti and after the second it cleared and didnt return but always kept a close eye after that.
It did make me question her age too.
We think she was around 4/5 years. She was just so friendly and laid back, going to be quite a miss :(
Sorry to hear about Tillly. She will be safely at Rainbow Bridge now and will be grazing with all the other piggies.....x
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