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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 9, 2014
Reaction score
Wales, UK
I've just taken on two little half brothers who are approx. 5 months old on a trial basis to see if they get on with my piggy (not going too well so far sadly)

I've just found some tiny creepy crawlies on one of the babies - they are like grains of rice but a lot tinier.... he is long haired.... are they mites? Will the little tubes you can buy in pet stores get rid of them? He is not itching at the moment, but I guess I will have to treat the other two as well...

Just been reading through other threads, someone suggested if you can see them they are possibly lice?
They sound like hay mites or lice. You will need to take them to the vets for treatment and most likely follow it up with a bath at least 48 hours later. Some people use Gorgeous Guineas but I prefer Lyclear Creme rinse. You would need to patch test behind the ear for 48 hours first. Also need to completely clean the cage and throw away any infected hay.
Please have them checked by a vet for proper treatment, as home treating on spec can makes things worse. A vet will identify the culprit and give you products that are appropriate for the severity and age of the piggies. You will need to treat all three.

Sadly, boar trios rarely work out, especially when more than one subadult is involved. At the worst, you can end up with three single boys that won't go back together. :(
Thanks - the previous owner (she may be on here?!) has said she would take them back if things didn't work out.... clearly I'd be sad to do that as they are sooooo gorgeous and are little characters but I think Muppet (my adult) is feeling a little stressed and the babies are now fighting each other. I've got to constantly break up fights. Tried following some of the advice on the Bonding forum - bonding bath, neutral territory etc but so far, nothing seems to be working. It's only been 4 days so far though.... do you think things may improve, or is it more or less set in stone now? :(
Your boys are currently in the middle of the dominance phase, which is always the most tricky bit of any bonding, but if it isn't working now, it is very unlikely to settle peacefully. All you can do is give them a chance, but considering how much piggies depend on company, they can be a real pain to match up! :(
Yeah :( that's the main reason I went looking for pals for my Muppet - I felt a little bad that he was still alone. But to be quite frank, think he's used to being aloe now and isn't too happy about the others - and when the two brothers fight, he looks at them like they are mad! :P
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