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Mixed Feelings

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2011
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Nottingham, UK

This is a bit of a random post really. I thought I would share my thoughts on things though, as I feel here is the only place right now I can voice them.

Some of you may know that I'm in my second year of nurse training.

Well recently I've had feeling that it just isn't for me anymore. But with so many people constantly saying how proud they are of me, and reminding me I'm already half way through my degree, I almost feel trapped!

I've not been sleeping well at night because I'm always going over in my head, wondering what the right thing to do is... I'm worried if I leave my degree I will regret it for the rest of my life, yet I feel if I carry on being unhappy then I'll regret that too!

I keep crying and often I don't even know why! I feel like a huge ball of mixed emotions.
Just wanted to get it off my chest! Sorry for the slightly mood dampening post.
What is it in particular that makes you think nursing is not the career for you?
You have done the right thing getting it off your chest. I don't know what your reasons for not wanting to carrying on nursing are?
But if you feel this is the wrong career for you, then you should go with your heart. I am sure your family will only be happy if you're happy, and they won't mind you not wanting to carry on with it.

So you know what you'd want to do instead? x
What is it in particular that makes you think nursing is not the career for you?

That's just the thing! I have no idea. Some aspects of it I do enjoy. But that's the other thing, if you say nursing isn't for you, I worry it will make me look like an awful person. Everything just feels so confusing right now.

Just don't want to look back on life and wish I had done something different that I enjoyed more.
You have done the right thing getting it off your chest. I don't know what your reasons for not wanting to carrying on nursing are?
But if you feel this is the wrong career for you, then you should go with your heart. I am sure your family will only be happy if you're happy, and they won't mind you not wanting to carry on with it.

So you know what you'd want to do instead? x

I'm not sure that's the thing.

I have no idea what I want to do. I'm turning 22 this year and feel like I should have everything figured out. Feeling all over the place at the moment.
NO ONE is going to think you're an awful person saying nursing is not for you. Utter rubbish lady! Everyone can see you're lovely and kind, they will understand. :)
I'm not sure that's the thing.

I have no idea what I want to do. I'm turning 22 this year and feel like I should have everything figured out. Feeling all over the place at the moment.
No don't worry you have plenty of time!
Which are the bits you don't enjoy?
You won't be an awful person for nursing not being your thing. Sometimes learning to do something you thought you'd really enjoy is the only way you learn that it isn't right for you. Perhaps before you decide to leave have a look at other career options etc and see if you think anything else would suit you?
You won't be an awful person for nursing not being your thing. Sometimes learning to do something you thought you'd really enjoy is the only way you learn that it isn't right for you. Perhaps before you decide to leave have a look at other career options etc and see if you think anything else would suit you?

That's true. Yeah I've started to look around. I could never leave without having another plan! I'm one of those people that feels like I need a plan. I thought I had one, now that's being doubted it's freaking me out!

Must..have..plans! Haha.
Plans are great, I'm a planner too. If I don't plan I stress, and then when I'm stressed I start cleaning :P You just have to get through this, take some deep breaths and continue on to the best of your abilities until you decide if you want to take another path or not. It could just be a hiccup of doubt and could eventually pass and you could fall back in love with nursing.
The bits I haven't enjoyed are the fast paced think on your feet type situations. It's just not me! I like to plan and think things through..
Are there many of these sort of situations you have to face?
Obviously this is something that cannot be changed.
I can see very much you are coming from with the fast pace think on feet, I feel uncomfortable doing that as well.
Maybe you could stick it a teeny but longer just for you to know it is not a phase? But you have to do what is right for you.
It's perfectly natural to feel this way when you're 3/4 way through a course. I agree with Chief Guinea Pig that your happiness is paramount - but also agree with you that you need a plan . I think you need to weigh up the pro's and cons . A degree in nursing can be very useful for a lot of careers other than ward work

Some ideas are ...

Staying in nursing - but in a speciality such as rehabilitation - or outpatients -

you may want to work for an non nhs organisation - maybe as a case manager .

Is it worth talking to your tutors?
It's perfectly natural to feel this way when you're 3/4 way through a course. I agree with Chief Guinea Pig that your happiness is paramount - but also agree with you that you need a plan . I think you need to weigh up the pro's and cons . A degree in nursing can be very useful for a lot of careers other than ward work

Some ideas are ...

Staying in nursing - but in a speciality such as rehabilitation - or outpatients -

you may want to work for an non nhs organisation - maybe as a case manager .

Is it worth talking to your tutors?

Yes I'm speaking to a tutor next week. Hopefully that will help.

I think the academic pressure might be more the issue now I think about it. When I'm actually there doing the job, I do mostly enjoy it.

I think it's because I'm away from home, I'm always so tired, I'm rubbish at essay writing and we have about 3 projects on the go at once. Maybe that's the issue! Either way, after the next six weeks the academic pressure will ease. Maybe that will make me feel better. :)
Ah ha ha I laugh at the very idea of having everything sorted out at 22 ;)
Perhaps @AbiS can talk to you about how you feel about nursing?
@Goth Mummy My family did too! ;) I'm just really bad with wanting things to go a certain way in life. When in fact it doesn't always go to plan and I need to except that. ;)
If it makes you feel any better I started an Msc in librarianship years ago and bailed on it, I hated it and knew I would never want it as a career. The worst thing was I was on a graduate training scheme placement at the city library and sponsorsed by the council, they were so angry when I quit.
If it makes you feel any better I started an Msc in librarianship years ago and bailed on it, I hated it and knew I would never want it as a career. The worst thing was I was on a graduate training scheme placement at the city library and sponsorsed by the council, they were so angry when I quit.

Yeah , but you did the right thing if you didn't enjoy it! I've always said since I was young I would rather have a lower paid job and be happy going to work everyday, than be earning loads of money but dreading going to work. The area of nursing I want to do makes me happy about going. So I've just got to keep remembering that!
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