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Mohican Monster

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Utterly gorgeous!

Her long fur is in her eyes all the time. I was thinking of trimming it but hate the idea of scissors so close to her eyes and I'm not sure if it's a bit cruel to go hacking at her lovely fur.

What do you think? x
Her long fur is in her eyes all the time. I was thinking of trimming it but hate the idea of scissors so close to her eyes and I'm not sure if it's a bit cruel to go hacking at her lovely fur.

What do you think? x
When I had a long haired piggy I kept his hair short. I actually do not find it cruel as it keeps them tidy and clean.
Sometimes I can't even find her eyes under all the fluff.

I'll take your advice @piggyfan ... just worried about the scissors x
Sometimes I can't even find her eyes under all the fluff.

I'll take your advice @piggyfan ... just worried about the scissors x
Could you hold the hair back or up so you are not cutting near her eyes? It sounds like she will be a lot more comfortable with the hair out of her eyes. I feel sorry for piggies with long hair sometimes!
We're all off to stay at my dad's house for Easter - might get him to help me @piggyfan x
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