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Mooli Says Hello To You All.

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Hello Mr Handsome :love: Very lovely to see you :)
LOL. I think Mooli is one of the cutest wee piggy's ever, I actually just wanna squeeze his wee cheeks the sexy wee thing! That picture you put up ages ago of him with his head stretched up and his wee toes all spread out was the one that started off my love of him, haha.
LOL. I think Mooli is one of the cutest wee piggy's ever, I actually just wanna squeeze his wee cheeks the sexy wee thing! That picture you put up ages ago of him with his head stretched up and his wee toes all spread out was the one that started off my love of him, haha.
Aww it is lovely to hear you are such a fan of Mooli.
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