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More Visits to the Vet


Rescue Buddy
Forum Donator 2022/23
Dec 14, 2017
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Two piggies at the vets today.

After being away for a few days we noticed that Peggy seems to be struggling to get around and was bunny hopping rather than walking. Off to the vets today and she has been diagnosed with arthritis in her back legs (and possibly her spine). We have Metacam for pain relief starting at 0.8ml twice a day (for 5 days) and reducing a little every few days until we find the right dose to keep her pain free. Whilst checking her over the vet also found that she has a small cyst on both her her ovaries. He took her off to see the head exotics vet for a second opinion as to the best treatment options. So initially we have her booked in for an ultrasound on Wednesday. Following this we can make an informed decision on what to do next. The head vet said that as she has no behavioural changes and if they don't find any other problems during the ultrasound, he would recommend we monitor the cysts with regular check-ups.

We had also noticed that Georgie has been slowly losing weight (100g over a 5 months). He seems happy and is eating well (begs for food every time he sees me) but now weighs just under a kilo (down from 1.14kg). The vet gave him a good check over (including his teeth, which Georgie did not like at all) but can find nothing wrong with him. We have cut down on nuggets in recent months and possibly the greedy girls are eating them all and poor Georgie isn't getting a fair share. Especially as he does eat more slowly than the girls. We have to feed him separately for a couple of weeks and give him some oats and a little extra veg to see if this helps. If he loses any more weight he will have to be sedated for blood tests and an ultrasound and x-ray.

So quite an eventful vet visit (Peggy also had a wee on the vet). I can see my bank balance taking a hit, it's a good job we can't spend our money on much else at the moment.
Two piggies at the vets today.

After being away for a few days we noticed that Peggy seems to be struggling to get around and was bunny hopping rather than walking. Off to the vets today and she has been diagnosed with arthritis in her back legs (and possibly her spine). We have Metacam for pain relief starting at 0.8ml twice a day (for 5 days) and reducing a little every few days until we find the right dose to keep her pain free. Whilst checking her over the vet also found that she has a small cyst on both her her ovaries. He took her off to see the head exotics vet for a second opinion as to the best treatment options. So initially we have her booked in for an ultrasound on Wednesday. Following this we can make an informed decision on what to do next. The head vet said that as she has no behavioural changes and if they don't find any other problems during the ultrasound, he would recommend we monitor the cysts with regular check-ups.

We had also noticed that Georgie has been slowly losing weight (100g over a 5 months). He seems happy and is eating well (begs for food every time he sees me) but now weighs just under a kilo (down from 1.14kg). The vet gave him a good check over (including his teeth, which Georgie did not like at all) but can find nothing wrong with him. We have cut down on nuggets in recent months and possibly the greedy girls are eating them all and poor Georgie isn't getting a fair share. Especially as he does eat more slowly than the girls. We have to feed him separately for a couple of weeks and give him some oats and a little extra veg to see if this helps. If he loses any more weight he will have to be sedated for blood tests and an ultrasound and x-ray.

So quite an eventful vet visit (Peggy also had a wee on the vet). I can see my bank balance taking a hit, it's a good job we can't spend our money on much else at the moment.

I am very sorry! I know the feeling after turning up with three carriers at the Cat & Rabbit the other week...

All the best for the ultrasound. Hopefully the cysts can be just monitored and Georgie can build up his weight again when given the time and space to eat his own fair share.
I am very sorry! I know the feeling after turning up with three carriers at the Cat & Rabbit the other week...

All the best for the ultrasound. Hopefully the cysts can be just monitored and Georgie can build up his weight again when given the time and space to eat his own fair share.
Thanks Wiebke. I just seem to be having a run of sick piggies. I guess they are all around 5 years old and are starting have the problems of ageing bodies.
Sending lots of healing vibes for Georgie and Peggy x
Georgie’s weight loss might be just getting old, I found Bill and Ted slowly lost a bit of weight and Dimin said it was just an “old age” thing that often happens once they get near their 5 years.
I'm glad I took Peggy to the vet. After one dose of Metacam this afternoon, she just popcorned down the run during floor time. I haven't seen her do this for a long time. Her legs must have been giving her a lot of pain.
I'm glad I took Peggy to the vet. After one dose of Metacam this afternoon, she just popcorned down the run during floor time. I haven't seen her do this for a long time. Her legs must have been giving her a lot of pain.
Aw, that’s great news x Sorry meant to say “Simon” in previous message!