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Moving Guineas Outside

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Anna Day

Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 16, 2014
Reaction score
I have two guineas. They were living outside fine. I moved them to an indoor hutch in December as I was worried about them in their hutch outside. Since then I have had to move house due to splitting with my husband. I have a lovely new home with my daughter but it is much smaller than the last. The guineas have to go in my daughters room as only place for their cage. They are now keeping my daughter awake at night and they are taking up lots of space in her room. I would like to move them back outside to give my daughter space in her room and peace and quiet and night but am worried about moving them outside now they are used to the warm indoors. Any tips on how to make the transition for them easy and not shock them too much? Thanks!
Here's my set up.

Wow, my garden is as nice as a trash can most of the time :D. I don't mean to go off topic, but I'm sure I remember you putting a ramp in for one of the rabbits? Is there a way you made that as for floor time I let my guinea pigs in and out of the cage through a door bit but it's a little annoying so I'm thinking of a ramp to put in.
I've still got the ramp for the piggies, the photo of the shed was taken before Angel got ill, I still use the ramp for Lola and Alfie. ;)

The piggies hutch is getting scrapped before long, they are moving into the bottom right part of the rabbits hutch (where the brown food bowl is) as that is insulated and new. ;)
How is Angel doing now? And sounds nice! Also, was that ramp made with wood and then put cat scratcher type of material of it?
She died in December I'm afraid :( 2 weeks after Rebel died. I've since got Alfie as a new hutch mate for Lola. The ramp is just ply with an offcut of carpet nailed to it for grip. ;)
I also have piggies in a shed, as a halfway between indoors and outside - mine have free range of the shed which gives a lot more room than just a hutch on its own.10614242_10152460105076152_347111902799426269_n.jpg 10906305_10152460107006152_2997409122842067220_n.jpg
Your set up looks lovely but not sure ill have the room in my shed. Will they be okay with hutch cover near the house so not too exposed? Terrified they will be too shocked.....
Are you able to run an extension lead into the shed? I have, so I have heating and lighting. ;)
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