Murray Has A New Buddy

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Salford Lancashire
Following the loss of Jack on Sunday , I had to find Murray a new buddy. I had thought of boar dating for him as suggested, but decided I had introduced Jack to Murray when Andy died so I thought I could do it again. My friend who I got Jack from was devastated to hear about poor Jack,he has been a hobbiest breeder for over 28 years, and offered me one of his own piggies , he's a beautiful black roan, the shiniest coat I ever seen(pigtures will follow when the little man settles in) .my friend show some of his piggies he was destined for this but developed speckles on his underside, so he wasn't show standard, but my friend was going to keep him to add to his tribe, . So now iam the proud slave to my new boy Darius. He's 14weeks old.
My large set up is now divided down the middle, so,they can get used to one another, they have already been chatting from a distance away. So know the long job of bonding again. He not Jack but I'm sure he's gonna be a beautiful friend to Murray and I. Keep you all posted on events lol x
I hope it works out for Murray and Darius. I am on the lookout for a cage mate for Amos since he lost Sergei.
They did not get on together in the same run, but I kept them in separate C and C runs next to each other. That way they could talk to each other and sniff etc without the threat of all out war breaking out. It did work for them.
I hope so worst case can live along side on another.
I hope it works out for Murray and Darius. I am on the lookout for a cage mate for Amos since he lost Sergei.
They did not get on together in the same run, but I kept them in separate C and C runs next to each other. That way they could talk to each other and sniff etc without the threat of all out war breaking out. It did work for them.
yeah I hope I can bond them but if not they can interact with one another, early days yet x
Thanks Shirley. I have only successfully bonded once. That was with Sergei and a really laid back 6 year old called Spike. It was a doddle of a bonding as Spike couldn't be bothered with any hassle. But when Spike was pts after a large abscess I introduced Amos to Sergie. That was a bit scary and did not work out. Let's hope your bonding is a straightforward bonding.
Thanks Shirley. I have only successfully bonded once. That was with Sergei and a really laid back 6 year old called Spike. It was a doddle of a bonding as Spike couldn't be bothered with any hassle. But when Spike was pts after a large abscess I introduced Amos to Sergie. That was a bit scary and did not work out. Let's hope your bonding is a straightforward bonding.
We can but hope !:flag:x
Congratulations on your new arrival! I'm looking for a friend for Ripple too, I spent my lunch break looking at rescues on the internet. Both the closest ones to me have lots of piggies but they are not recommended rescues :-(
Congratulations on your new arrival! I'm looking for a friend for Ripple too, I spent my lunch break looking at rescues on the internet. Both the closest ones to me have lots of piggies but they are not recommended rescues :-(
Oh dear nothing wrong with going to check them out yourself, I suppose, it is hard tho don't know if the "rescue" is a front for something more sinister. I've been lucky having a friend who breeds himself, I know they come from a good home x. Good luck with your searchxx I'll post piccys when little fella has settles in xx
Hope the bonding goes well for him and Murray. Huge hugs to you I hope you are as okay as can be.
Hope the bonding goes well for him and Murray. Huge hugs to you I hope you are as okay as can be.
Thankyou I am ok still sad too much to bare sometimes, but Murray has been so affectionate since Jack went, really strange I'm not used to it ! I hope Darius is as laid back as Jack if so think I might be ok wth the bonding. Keep you all informed. Even if you don't want to know :lol!: x
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