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My baby is depressed and grieving the loss of her cagemate. IDK how to help her.


New Born Pup
Nov 16, 2022
Reaction score
United States
Hello. My guinea pig mocha is newly single. Her cagemate, Makai, was euthenized on Monday evening after 70hrs in the hospital/ER battling suspected pneumonia. So many details about his story and how I concluded it was his time to go but that’s not what this post is about. Mocha is the most shy and scared piggy ever. She has been this way for the year and a half I have had her out of her 2 years of life. She was like his shadow. They had their separate space some of the day, but for most everything she was right by him. Eating pellets, eating hay, drinking water. She didn’t do these things on her own. For pellet time they had a little routine. The two stood at their bottles and pellets in the middle of the bottles. One took a bite, then sipped water while the other took a bite, and they switched back and forth. If fresh hay was in the cage my boy would run for it, and she’d follow him. When they had a full cage clean he would run around and she would follow. If both were napping and he woke up she would wake up soon after. Anytime he squeaked, she squeaked. (I have only heard her squeak once since he left and I think it’s bc the morning after I brought him to the vet she assumed me opening the cage lid was me bringing him back to her after 9 hours of being separated) my point is that she didn’t do anything without him. With him gone, she hasn’t been eating. She is not losing weight becasue I started assist feeding less than 24 hours after I took her best friend away. She is not eating any noticeable amount of hay. Will not eat a pellet at all. Even ground up and mixed into paste it took her 4 days to touch her pellet paste, although she loved the emeraid after some time. She still won’t eat the pellet paste by itself so I mix a little of it into her emeraid. I took her to the vet today and as I predicted she is perfectly healthy. Vet said we could take an x-ray to make sure she’s alright but I don’t have an extra 150 lying around as her appointment was 125 to begin with. Physically Mocha is very well. She had a slight fever, about .5 above average but with the stress of the vet visit plus she has beautiful, thick, long hair keeping her insulated which meant the vet wasn’t nervous about it at all. She kind of told me I had a perfectly healthy pig. Physically, I knew she was fine before I took her, but I’m a bit paranoid ab her molars over growing. I took her cagemate from her at 1am on saturday and for all of saturday, sunday and monday she wasn’t eating or drinking much of anything unless I hand fed her through a syringe. She didn’t even eat all of her veggies or vitamin c tablet on Saturday. And Sunday she took a really long time to eat her veggies and finished mabye 80% of them. I don’t know how to help her. Emeraid is not meant to sustain a guinea pig’s GI system for long term and it’s almost been an entire week. I don’t want her molars to over grow either. Partially bc I spent all of my money on my pig’s vet bills. I live with my parents and they said I am not allowed to get anymore guinea pigs since 2 of my 3 have died very young. (Ik that might make me sound like a bad piggy parent, I feel like I am everytime I think about losing two pigs so young.) Mocha is now all alone and is not active much. She doesn’t enjoy human interaction at all. I’ve tried different pellets and different treats. She is not a fan of toys. I don’t want depression to be the end of her. Makai was her whole world and suddenly he was taken away from her and never brought back.
I’m so sorry for your loss.

First syringe feed is meant to sustain them and the fact she has been on it a week doesn’t matter - there are pigs on here who had to be syringe fed for months for one reason or another - so please try not to worry about that. There is going to be a dental risk if she isn’t eating any hay longer term but it’s not going to happen so suddenly/right now.

So, sadly it sounds as is she has gone into acute pining. This is a rare thing to happen and I’m sorry to is happening to you and Mocha. It is an emergency situation.
You need to continue with the syringe feeding as long as it is needed.
I'm glad health issues have been ruled out. It does now mean though that her companionship needs become an urgent priority and she does need a new friend immediately. I’m sorry it doesn’t give you time to grieve and that you may face an issue with your parents but Mocha cannot wait any length of time to have a new friend.
Please speak to your parents and show them this guide so they can see how urgent getting her a friend within the next day or two is during a case of acute pining - there is a section about acute pining.

The guide below explains more and again I’m sorry for your loss

Looking After a Bereaved Guinea Pig
I'm very sorry for your loss and also that your parents don't want you to get another guinea pig. But Mocca urgently needs a new friend.
I hope that you can convince them with the advice given above and that you're able to find a new friend for Mocca soon.
I took am sorry for your loss. I can only concur with the advice above 😔