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My Girls

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
I had nightmares they wouldn't bond and fight, we are 3 days in and 2 warning nips later they are all friends :wub:

Bubbles and Squeak have been in a separate cage next to our C&C, which Cee-Cee kept trying to get out of to get in with them. My other half put them al together in the C&C before he left for work.

I came down this morning to all 3 of them in the house together, tried to get a picture altogether but as soon as I lifted the roof off they ran lol


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I am so glad they are getting on so well.
Cee-Cee is 13 weeks and the newbies are 8 weeks, perhaps when they are young it's easier?
Very cute, they all seem quite relaxed :) Bonding as babies does tend to be a lot easier. However bare in mind from around as early a 6 months they will become teenagers and even little sows may fall out if two of them are too bossy!
Very cute, they all seem quite relaxed :) Bonding as babies does tend to be a lot easier. However bare in mind from around as early a 6 months they will become teenagers and even little sows may fall out if two of them are too bossy!
Thank you
I will look out for the answering back and slamming of doors lol :tu: I will try and keep them in check lol!
Cee-Cee thinks she's boss at the moment and non of them are arguing with her
Haha! Honestly, I think teenage girl piggies can be worse than boys sometimes. At the least the boys get to the point. Sows just flick wee and bicker instead!
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