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My guinea pig died


New Born Pup
May 24, 2024
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Tuesday evening everything was ok. Wednesday morning, my guinea pig Bubbles was acting strangely so I took her to our vet's. The vet couldn't find anything wrong but said it could be gut stasis. She prescribed pain meds, gut mover, and some food for syringe feeding. She didn't make it sound like it was serious. I gave Bubbles the pain meds right away, the gut mover later that afternoon. I put out some fresh veggies for the other pigs and gave her her own special bowl and left in front of her when she went to hide in the log house. The other pigs started to steal her food so I changed the loft (our cage is 2x8 and had a 2x2 loft) into a sort of hospital room. I counted that she had pooped six times and collected them in a bag. I then went to bed. I woke up at 04:30 yesterday morning to feed her some of the syringe food. She took some and then we snuggled a bit and I put her back in her makeshift hospital room. I went back to bed. At 06:45, I woke up to my husband standing near me to say that she had died. I jumped out of bed, grabbed what clothes were on hand and ran down the stairs. She was still warm but limp and I don't remember much except that I took her out of the cage, ran to the sofa and begged her to wake up. My kids came running to see what was happening. She was just gone but she looked alive. Did I kill her? Should I have fed her as soon as possible? Should I have left her with the other pigs? What did I do wrong because I can't believe she's gone. She's the first pet my kids have ever had and they aren't doing so good either. Our other 4 are constantly looking for her because she was the alpha pig. How can I make sure my other pigs don't die?
So very sorry for your loss.
It wasn’t your fault.

You did the best for Bubbles in taking her to the vet immediately and doing all the right things to care for her.
Sadly guinea pigs hide illness very well because they are prey animals and sadly nothing we can do will save them.

There’s some excellent resources in the bereavement thread to help grieving children, as well as adults.

The other piggies will grieve but as they are not alone they will adapt.

Be gentle with yourself as you grieve and know that we are here for you.
We understand the pain of loss.

Holding you in my heart ♥️
I’m so sorry for your loss.

You didn’t kill her. She was poorly. Gut stasis is a serious issue - it means the gut isn’t working properly and sometimes they just can’t recover from it. That is why she was given the gut stimulant.
Syringe feeding around the clock becomes essential during an episode of stasis. You need to get as much syringe feed in as possible as often as possible to keep the gut going. However in advanced cases they often won’t eat, will reject the syringe and sadly by that point the battle can’t be won.

With regard to leaving her with the others. While it is recommended to do so, it’s also not essential if her presence was distressing the others or her. The benefit of being with the others is that they would have said goodbye - they would likely have known she was ill long before you did though.

The remaining piggies will reshuffle their hierarchy over the coming weeks, with the number 2 pig stepping up to be dominant and the others all moving up as well.

If you are worried about them, then the best thing is to increase weight checks. Rather than the routine weekly weight check, you can weigh every day or every couple of days. This will ensure they are all still eating enough hay during their grieving period.

The guides below will help you

Again, I’m sorry for your loss

Death, Dying, Terminal Illness; Human Grieving and Bereaved Companions: Information and Support for Owners and Their Children
I’m so sorry for have lost Bubbles. It definitely sounds like you did everything you could. You noticed she was ill and took her to the vets. You gave her medication and feeding support. That’s all you can do. The rest is up to them. Sometimes the call to the bridge is just too strong.

Tell your children she is out of pain now and eating the freshest, greenest grass she has ever seen.

She will be waiting over the bridge for her friends when the time comes.

Take care ❤️
I’m really sorry, I feel your heartache in your post.

Unfortunately, these things just happen. Do not blame yourself. Sometimes we simply have no control over the outcome.

Keeping you and your family in my thoughts. Sweet Bubbles is popcorning free over the Bridge🌈
Tuesday evening everything was ok. Wednesday morning, my guinea pig Bubbles was acting strangely so I took her to our vet's. The vet couldn't find anything wrong but said it could be gut stasis. She prescribed pain meds, gut mover, and some food for syringe feeding. She didn't make it sound like it was serious. I gave Bubbles the pain meds right away, the gut mover later that afternoon. I put out some fresh veggies for the other pigs and gave her her own special bowl and left in front of her when she went to hide in the log house. The other pigs started to steal her food so I changed the loft (our cage is 2x8 and had a 2x2 loft) into a sort of hospital room. I counted that she had pooped six times and collected them in a bag. I then went to bed. I woke up at 04:30 yesterday morning to feed her some of the syringe food. She took some and then we snuggled a bit and I put her back in her makeshift hospital room. I went back to bed. At 06:45, I woke up to my husband standing near me to say that she had died. I jumped out of bed, grabbed what clothes were on hand and ran down the stairs. She was still warm but limp and I don't remember much except that I took her out of the cage, ran to the sofa and begged her to wake up. My kids came running to see what was happening. She was just gone but she looked alive. Did I kill her? Should I have fed her as soon as possible? Should I have left her with the other pigs? What did I do wrong because I can't believe she's gone. She's the first pet my kids have ever had and they aren't doing so good either. Our other 4 are constantly looking for her because she was the alpha pig. How can I make sure my other pigs don't die?


You haven't done anything; it was simply her time to die and there was nothing you and your vet could have done to stop that process once the body had started to break down; once one organ gives, the others will inevitably follow. How this goes depends on the order and how strong individual organs are. It can happen at any age.
If it is your first experience with it, you would have struggled to pick up on the initially very subtle signs. At least her passing was peaceful; your husband found her very shortly after she has gained her wings.

The natural dying process can start in lots of different way, including with bloating or GI stasis as secondary issues that are masking what it going on underneath as I know from previous piggies of mine. We tend to forget that guinea pigs are small animals with a very fast metabolism - until it turns against them, not rarely out of the blue. If you have never encountered a death or the dying process it can totally throw you. :(
If you feel you need to know more about multiple organ failure in order to make a bit more sense of what has just happened, then you may find this guide here helpful: A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs

Strong feelings of guilt and soul-searching are normal for the onset of the grieving process. It is usually worse if the death comes as a total shock. We humans were wired to reflect evrything back onto ourselves even where it is not appropriate. These feelings are not an expression of actual failure but an expression of how deeply you care. You would have them, and have them as strongly if you weren't strongly committed to your pets' welfare.
You may find our owner's grieving guide helpful to make sense of your own feelings as you go through a range of rather unexpected emotions and reactions in the coming days and weeks; grieving is not at all like you imagine when you have never experienced it before. The guide also contains tips and resources for parents to help them guide their children through their own grieving.
Human Bereavement: Grieving, Processing and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children

Here is practical advice on what you can do for the bereavement companion right now and in the coming days and weeks. As long as your other piggy is eating and drinking you do not need to rush out and get another piggy quickly. Allow them to do their own grieving and allow yourself to get your bearing first. They will hold for 1-4 weeks or even a bit longer if needed.
Looking After a Bereaved Guinea Pig

Please be kind with yourself, give yourself a little time to not be OK and try to not put yourself under too much pressure.
This broke my heart. I am so so sorry for yours and your families loss.

Sending lots of hugs and love
Welcome to the forum, I'm sorry it's in such sad circumstances.
Popcorn high over the rainbow bridge sweet Pebbles ❤️🌈
Very sorry for your loss. You were a good mom to her and anticipated all her needs, moving her when she needed privacy and taking her to your vet. She passed with a full tummy and after snuggling with one of her people, and it seems to have been a peaceful death, but still very sad and unexpected. I hope you feel better soon, it is very difficult to adjust to an unexpected loss.
Hi, you couldn’t have done any more than you did. Be kind to your self. It was the time for bubbles to leave. Take care of your of yourself After a while you & the childrens hearts will heal.
My heart goes out to you all.
She was such a beautiful piggy! That picture of the rainbow bridge is really lovely. The tin is perfect. Wishing you all strength and peace.
Don't feel pressured by anyone to behave in a certain way when we lost Toby suddenly at only 5 months old it was devastating and I'm still grieving his loss, grief is a personal thing, we are here for you when you want to talk 🌈
What a shock, I am so sorry for your loss. Sometimes it is just their time to go. You sound like an amazing person and you did everything right.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. I echo what the others have said that you could not have done more to save her. Sadly it was her time. Questioning what we did/did not do is a natural part of the grieving process. Try to remember her at her most beautiful best and not how she was at the end. Hugs to you. Sleep tight Bubbles 🌈