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Emergency My Guinea Pig Doesn't Eat/drink, Mental Status Not Bad, His Looks Weird. Plz Help!

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New Born Pup
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
Netherlands, The Hague
I have a guinea pig (boy) he is now 8 months old. During the recent few days he hasn't been eating/drinking that much, so I have been manually feeding him for these few days. Last night I found his like this shown in the picture above: SMALL, and there are HOLES on it like the surface of moon......

Please help, can anyone tell me why is he like this AND what I should do?

Any time a guinea pig is not eating it pretty much indicates that a visit to the vet is urgently required. Please continue to syringe feed him until you can get to a vet.

We have included this link as a guide for hand feeding -

In the meantime can you please add your location to your profile as it helps fellow members give any answers to questions you may have that may be area/country specific. This can be done by clicking on your username, then personal details, then add location......

Lisa & Ali..
Any time a guinea pig is not eating it pretty much indicates that a visit to the vet is urgently required. Please continue to syringe feed him until you can get to a vet.

We have included this link as a guide for hand feeding -

In the meantime can you please add your location to your profile as it helps fellow members give any answers to questions you may have that may be area/country specific. This can be done by clicking on your username, then personal details, then add location......

Lisa & Ali..
Hi Thank you. Just did it! I will continue to syringe feed him until Thursday and will get him to the vet. (Is it too late?)
Our advice is to try and get him to a vet as soon as possible a Guinea Pig not eating is a very serious condition..
We have changed the status on your thread to indicate the seriousness of your Piggies situation, this will alert the forums Health & Illness contributors to this thread..
We have changed the status on your thread to indicate the seriousness of your Piggies situation, this will alert the forums Health & Illness contributors to this thread..
Hi, my guinea pig started eating some grass! I am a little bit relieved :D
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