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My Guinea pig is acting completely normal but she starts twitching out of nowhere


New Born Pup
Feb 15, 2022
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
I have had Guinea pigs growing up and my most recent Guinea pig named Jelly has been with us for almost a year and she’s been completely fine. Starting today I have noticed that she will start twitching and tilting her head to the side and putting one of her legs out. Other than her twitching she has been perfectly fine and she acts normal right after and before she has one of these episodes and she has been eating and drinking and she’s been playing with her bedding like she normal would and her poop is normal. I’ve never experienced this before with any of my piggies and I don’t have money to take her to the vet and I’m freaking out I don’t know what to do.
It’s not really possible for us to know exactly what is happening from a written description of a behaviour. If you nave one of these episode on video, upload it to YouTube and then post a link to it here, we may be able to help decipher exactly what it is you are seeing.

If she is popcorning then that is totally normal excited piggy behaviour , but if you have seen popcorning before and this episode is nothing like a popcorn, then you will need to have her seen by a vet
Thank you everyone for your responses I appreciate everyone trying to help. She isn’t popcorning like I said before I’ve had piggy’s growing up and I watch videos all of time on normal piggy behavior she hasn’t had any episodes since when I posted. We think she hurt her back on her salt lick or when she was picking up her house so we’ve been keeping her in her cage and she hasn’t had an episode at all so things look good when we do go to take her out for lap time and if she does start having an episode again I will update everyone. The reason why we haven’t taken her to a vet is because we don’t have money for a vet unfortunately. She seems to be her normal self and she’s still eat and drinking and going to the bathroom perfectly fine like she normally would.
We can only encourage a vet check given that is the only way to know what is wrong and treat it. I hope she is ok

As a side note, piggies do not need and should not have salt licks.
I agree, a vet check is a good idea given she hasn't exhibited this behaviour before.
I hope she's okay, sending healing wheeks 💕