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My Guinea Pigs Won't Touch Their Water Bottle

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New Born Pup
Feb 20, 2015
Reaction score
Yesterday I got 2 new guinea pigs from the pet shop. They seem comfortable and like exploring the rest of the cage but they won't touch the water bottle. They had a water bottle in the cage they came from and they both seemed to actively drink from it whilst we were there. However, they are not even touching their water bottle now! I am getting worried but have been feeding them vegetables so hope they are all right for now. Any ideas on how to get them to drink from the water bottle? Thanks.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I wouldn't worry too much for now as most guinea pigs get their wtaer intake from their veggies etc. If you have seen them drinking at the pet shop then they should know how to work a water bottle. Mine very rarely drink from their bottle but it's always on offer.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I wouldn't worry too much for now as most guinea pigs get their wtaer intake from their veggies etc. If you have seen them drinking at the pet shop then they should know how to work a water bottle. Mine very rarely drink from their bottle but it's always on offer.
Welcome. Some of our piggies drink from the bottles a lot, others hardly ever touch them. I've also noticed that they go through phases of using them a lot or not at all. So don't worry, just keep it available and change it regularly even if not touched.
Hi and welcome, @NewGuineas2 !

Guinea pigs learn what is safe to eat and how to drink from their elders. shop piggies are often separated before they could do so. Just persevere and keep the water fresh!

You may find these threads here helpful in settling your little ones and getting them on a good diet; too much veg can cause diarrhea and tummy upsets, especially as they won't have had a lot (or any yet) at the breeding farm or the shop:
You may need to show them where the bottle is and that it produces water, just use your finger to roll the ball inside the spout to show them. They'll soon pick it up x
Hi and :wel:!
When I got my piggys ( from breeders :oops: ) they were used to drinking from a bottle but they were not drinking. I gave them a bowl and I caught them lapping water up ( so cute :love: :drool: ) and according to my local boarding service piggys drink more from a bowl. Only downsides are that piggys kick bedding and poops in bowl so bowl needs to be changed every hour or so :lol!:!
Looking forward to seeing pictures! :)
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