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My Oreo :)

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Yep that's normal don't worry haha, I too wondered about this when I first noticed mine doing it! Hehe thanks, I loveee Alfie's quiff as well, too cute isn't it :)
He is lush Kell! Give him a snuggle for me, I wanna snuzzle in his fur! *purr purr* smecksi piggy!
Thank you Ruth and Katie x
It's Pee pee pippins turn for solo lap time tonight.....he can not be out for long as...one he's not a fab of lap time (nor is fudge) and two pippin is a tiddler :)
OMG how tiny is he! I've not had any of my piggies from babys, he is just so lush Kell!
I know I did the right thing in giving these set of three brothers a loving happy home but to see my little Oreo on his own most of the day is upsetting to see, I hope to find him a new (possibly a second hand hutch) ASAP and then find him a new friend, here's a pigture from just now of him sitting watching the world go by. (He has lots of lap time and can use his run whenever were at home)
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