My rescue dog- George

So pleased George is home. Administering all those meds must be taking its toll on you but hoping things will be on the up now for you all xx
Aw Bless Him, so glad to see he is back home, he’ll be so much happier, hope he starts to feel better very soon x
Thanks everyone. 💕
He’s been quiet and crying a lot today. I’m mega paranoid about his eye and personally I can’t see an improvement, I’m actually looking forward to the check tomorrow with the specialist vets as I’m nervous Incase it’s not getting better at home.

Wow he's really put you through a lot. I must have missed this thread first time around so I've just caught up with the whole story. Poor boy he's been through so much he's so lucky your there to fight his battles with him. How is his reactivity these day's? He looks pretty chilled in these photos but I'm guessing the last 2 days have just been too much of an adventure for him. Bless him for holding in all his wees for you I suppose he missed you as much as you missed him.
In the house with just us and if no one knocks on the door there’s no reactivity. Out side the door in the real world he’s so bad. Really difficult to manage at times.

At the vets he’s begun to get better. In fact they vets say as soon as he’s met them he’s an absolute sweetheart with them, like he is with us. He’s a cuddle monster and loves kisses and being close to us.

I think he’s completely exhausted. The vets had him on Trazodone to help him keep calm and we have to use it again tonight and tomorrow in readiness for his vets appointment.
Stories like this ok reduce me to tears

I’m sending you and George lots T.L.C.
Massive vibes from my piggies also x
Forgot to update after vets on Friday.
They were happy it hasn’t got worse. They thought there may have been a slight improvement but stated it’s going to be very very slow progress. All his meds stayed the same and we are back again on Monday for another check.

My head is a shed and so I completely forgot I might need more of his plasma drops (made from his own blood). Then I got home and used the drops and realised that they wouldn’t last the weekend. So but if a panic. They made me more (they still had some blood) and my fabulous husband drove the 45 mins to get them yesterday. I was right too as he used his last drop literally right as husband was at the vets waiting for the others!

He’s getting a bit fed up of it all but still is taking all his tablets and drops ok. Just sometimes needs a bit more encouragement for the drops. The plasma ones are cold and I don’t think he likes them.

I’m absolutely shattered. I’m finally managing to sleep better now but the lack of sleep I’ve had is taking it’s toll for sure.

I’m really hopeful we can go on our holiday to Scotland in a few weeks. The vets didn’t want to commit to an answer when I asked. I don’t think we are out of the woods yet.
They also are unsure if his future with his eyes until we fix this issue. So everything is still up in the air.

Another update following vets today.

They say there are small improvements but that there are also some changes that are worrying-ish. There are now blood vessels into the eye so they are pleased about this. They said previously the eye wasn’t doing anything to try and fix itself. And now there are signs that it is.
The green fluid they use to look for ulcers as less stuck to his eye. Previously the entire lower half of his eye was green, now there is just a few spots.
He has 3 blisters on his eye which is a concern Incase the rupture.
The uveitis is improved, the whites of his eye is slightly less red.

They described it’s at 3 steps forward and 1.5 steps back.

They have reduced the frequency of some drops, added another new drop. Stopped the oral antibiotics.

We go back now a week tomorrow for another check. But sooner if it looks worse or the cloudiness gets worse.

Had another check today.
One of his drops has been increased. The rest stay the same. One of his tablets has been increased.
Back again in just over a week.

They feel we are showing some very good signs of improvement now. Just still very slow.

It’s got to a point I can see an improvement now though so that’s good. For a while it just looked scary. Now it looks scary still but a bit less so!

He’s utterly fed up bless him. And his hips are more sore due to having to stop his usual pain meds. But not much we can do about that unfortunately as they are limited in what they can give him due to the oral steroids.

Poor George☹️ I really do hope that progress will get faster for both of you, its so upsetting to see them looking so sad. Sending hugs x
I'm so sorry about all this, but you've been so great to George and given him an amazing chance to live a happy life. I hope with all my heart that he can recover. I recently lost my dog very suddenly this January, and I know how hard it is. In a way I'm glad it came on suddenly for her, as it stopped me from being under a ton of stress that I may lose her like you are. Good luck with him and thank you for saving his life and doing so much for him.