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Nasal Discharge Or Slug Slime?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Stoke on Trent
On Monday I noticed Rodney had clear dried... slime on his face. It looked very much like slug slime. I haven't noticed any more since I washed it off but I'm worried it was coming from his nose. How likely is this considering it hasn't happened again? And how likely is it the dozy thing just sat there and let a slug slime up his face?
I would say it was most likely not slug slime. It may be that he sneezed and it did come out of his nose. Just keep an eye on him in case it happens again in which case you could get him checked for a UTI or allergies. Does he live with another boar? if so, boar glue is a possibility but that tends to stick and not budge. Cleaning fluid from his eye is also a possibility.
I agree with Helen.

I had outdoor piggies for over 5 years and never once did they come in to physical contact with slug slime even though their was evidence of slugs in the hutch and shed.

Best to keep an eye on him to see if it happens again.
I would say it was most likely not slug slime. It may be that he sneezed and it did come out of his nose. Just keep an eye on him in case it happens again in which case you could get him checked for a UTI or allergies. Does he live with another boar? if so, boar glue is a possibility but that tends to stick and not budge. Cleaning fluid from his eye is also a possibility.

He does live with another boar but it washed off so easily that I had discounted boar glue- I know hard that can be to shift. I wondered about the eye cleaning stuff, but I've never seen it so... mucus-y :blink:
I guess I'll just have to keep an eye on him and hope that it wasn't anything worse than a one off extra snotty sneeze.
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