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Neutering---yea Or Nay?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Chicago, IL, USA
I've heard of a lot of owners neutering or spaying their piggies. Is this necessary/recommended? Both of my piggies are males so I'm not concerned about unplanned pregnancy, but I know that in some household pets (cats, dogs, etc), neutering can increase lifespan and calm down some of their behaviors...(I've noticed Alan um..."taking advantage" of Herbie on a few occasions...)
I've heard of a lot of owners neutering or spaying their piggies. Is this necessary/recommended? Both of my piggies are males so I'm not concerned about unplanned pregnancy, but I know that in some household pets (cats, dogs, etc), neutering can increase lifespan and calm down some of their behaviors...(I've noticed Alan um..."taking advantage" of Herbie on a few occasions...)

Hi and welcome!

Neutering guinea pigs is not necessary unless you have mixed gender pairs or groups. Unlike with rabbits, there are no direct health benefits like preventing cancer in does or cutting down on aggression in rabbit bucks. Male guinea pigs will not get on better if they are neutered; dominance behaviour is not tied to aggression, nor is character compatibility.

Unless you have a very experienced vet with lots of practice in small furries operations, the risk of post-op complications or even death is also still rather high, so you want to think twice about whether it is worth going down that route. Spaying sows is a major operation and usually only performed for medical reasons.

Here is more information on neutering and boar behaviour:
Guinea pig castration explained
Guinea Pig Neutering, How to Neuter your Guinea Pigs

Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Neutering is not supposed to change behavior in guinea pigs in any significant way. Personally I wouldn't risk the potential risks of the operation unless there was a reason (i.e. having a mixed-sex group or a medical necessity.) Neutered guinea pigs (and female guinea pigs!) will still 'take advantage' of cagemates regardless!
Just to echo the above really, unless you have a mixed sex pair/herd then it's not necessary. Enjoy your boys as they are ;)
There's only 2 reasons why you would need to neuter a male guinea pig. 1)So they can live with females without babies coming 2)Medical reasons such as testicular cancer x
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