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New Carpets!

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Very swish! Boris and Mimi are gorgeous :love:
Lovely piggies. And I love :love: the owl fleecy liner.
Me too! I'm teaching them subliminally not to be afraid of predators!
Haha! This made me giggle! It's a lovely carpet but i couldn't have one in my house! lol my poor boyfriend is that scared of owls he wouldn't be able to stand that! lol I'll tell him the piggys are braver than him! hehe! :D
Haha! This made me giggle! It's a lovely carpet but i couldn't have one in my house! lol my poor boyfriend is that scared of owls he wouldn't be able to stand that! lol I'll tell him the piggys are braver than him! hehe! :D
SkyeXx they're so cute, he couldn't possibly be afraid - you could start him off with a single one, then gradually build them up to a whole flock!
Haha! There's no convincing him! Believe me i've tried! His kids put glow in the dark owl stickers on there walls once. He went to tuck them in and came running out white as a sheet! lmao! then there wasthe time he stayed in the bank for 3hrs because someone had set up a stall with live owls just outside the bank! :D I shouldn't laugh but it's hilarious! ^_^
Haha! There's no convincing him! Believe me i've tried! His kids put glow in the dark owl stickers on there walls once. He went to tuck them in and came running out white as a sheet! lmao! then there wasthe time he stayed in the bank for 3hrs because someone had set up a stall with live owls just outside the bank! :D I shouldn't laugh but it's hilarious! ^_^
I'm not laughing....really I'm not (hehehehehehehehe!)
Haha! I can't even stop laughing myself! I really should be more sympathetic . If i keep mocking him he's gonna end up buying a tarantula to shut me up! lol
Love the fleece! And your piggies are gorgeous. :love: :luv:
Looks great! I have that fleece on a little soaker pad. Where did you order your cage liners from?
A lovely lady I found on eBay, no idea if she's on TGPF, called Sue Shaw. They're lovely liners, reasonably priced and amazingly quick to deliver.
A lovely lady I found on eBay, no idea if she's on TGPF, called Sue Shaw. They're lovely liners, reasonably priced and amazingly quick to deliver.
Ahh that's good to know! I ordered 2 from ziggies piggies and they are very well made! Always good to know of other people who make them though :) Are they quite thick, with wadding in the middle?
Ahh that's good to know! I ordered 2 from ziggies piggies and they are very well made! Always good to know of other people who make them though :) Are they quite thick, with wadding in the middle?
Yes, would happily snooze on them myself!
Oooooh lovely fleece! I went through a period in summer where I was buying loads of fleecy items
Might have a nosey as need some fleece .. :whistle:
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