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New girl Patsy has either enlarged kidneys or ovarian cysts

I am just about to take Patsy in for her scan today. I'll let you know what is found 😬
Aunty Rachel says Patsy has ovarian cysts. As she is asymptomatic we are not going to do anything about it atm. I know what to look out for so if she starts to display any symptoms, I'll take her straight back. Patsy's kidneys are fine. I'm pleased there's nothing wrong with the kidneys as that would be more problematic.
Aunty Rachel says Patsy has ovarian cysts. As she is asymptomatic we are not going to do anything about it atm. I know what to look out for so if she starts to display any symptoms, I'll take her straight back. Patsy's kidneys are fine. I'm pleased there's nothing wrong with the kidneys as that would be more problematic.

I’m very glad you got a diagnosis, and glad her kidneys are fine :) hope for the best for beautiful patsy xx
Aw, that’s the better of the two, if she has any symptoms then you know what to do. bet the are relieved it’s not kidneys x
So happy for you that it’s not her kidneys. Hopefully the cysts won’t cause much issue either.
Aunty Rachel says Patsy has ovarian cysts. As she is asymptomatic we are not going to do anything about it atm. I know what to look out for so if she starts to display any symptoms, I'll take her straight back. Patsy's kidneys are fine. I'm pleased there's nothing wrong with the kidneys as that would be more problematic.

Glad for the good news! Non-hormonal fluid filled ovarian cysts are actually the most common form of cysts and the most common in especially older sows. They will need addressing if they grow too large (pressing on the gut or even gut adhesions etc).
Glad it’s not a kidney problem.
Hope the cysts remain quiet and small.
Knowing you if there is a problem develop you’ll pick it up and have Pretty Patsy at the vet in 5 minutes.
Great news for Patsy. Glad to hear that her kidneys are ok.😀♥️🐾