New Pigs

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 30, 2015
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We've picked up our first guinea pigs this weekend, two boys (brothers), and have a couple of queries that we hope you guys can help with..

First off, in their enclosure we've put plenty of hiding places for them, and in particular two houses. The pigs seem to not want to interact with one another, and they just hang out in *their* houses.. is this normal, do they like each other?!

Second thing is that being indoor pigs (sorry forgot to mention that), the smell of woodshavings has already annoyed me.. what are my alternatives in terms of bedding please?

Finally, I don't think they've been drinking a whole lot of water.. they have been eating watery veg like carrots and cucumber with reckless abandon.. so is this something to be concerned about?
Generally piggies will not want to share their hideys anyway. They are still getting used to their surroundings so it is normal if they don't pop out often.

Here may help you with bedding,

The amount of water piggies drink often ranges, but if they are getting washed veg, then it it not something to worry about, unless the amount of water they drink goes up drastically. 300ml per pig per day is too much, and should be seen by a vet.
Hi and welcome!

Here are some links which will help you with settling in your boys:

Give your boys time to get their bearings first; once they do, they are going to establish their hierarchy in their new home. Boars always have to do this with any major changes to their territory.

We have got lots more information at the top of our various Care sections, but you are welcome to ask any questions you may have along the way; you are more likely to get more qualified answers if you post any questions in the Care sections.

As we have members from all over the world, you can help us a lot in tailoring any advice or recommendations to what is available and possible where you straight away are by adding your country, state or (for the UK) your county to your details. Please click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thanks!
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