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New roof with guinea pigs

Piggles_The_skinny pig

New Born Pup
Apr 12, 2023
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So we are currently getting a new roof on our house and it is extremely loud. Both my piggies hate the sound and won't come out of their houses unless the sounds stop. I'm not sure what I could do to make them more comfortable for the time being, luckily the roof should be done by the end of Friday.

Any help is welcome!
So we are currently getting a new roof on our house and it is extremely loud. Both my piggies hate the sound and won't come out of their houses unless the sounds stop. I'm not sure what I could do to make them more comfortable for the time being, luckily the roof should be done by the end of Friday.

Any help is welcome!

Can you play some some music in the piggy room just as a bit of a white noise. Otherwise there is little you can do if you haven't anywhere else for them to go. :(

Mine had to go through a house extension with nowhere else to go. We have all come through it and they have profited from getting the bigger front part...
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I put mine in temporary pens in the shed during the day while our roof was being replaced. If you don't have a friend, neighbour or shed you can take them to then music is about all you can do. The noise was incredibly loud when ours was being done, not to mention the mess, you have my sympathy.
If there is building work to keep mine comfortable I try to make their whole cage a safe hiding spot. Put in lots of tunnels which encourages movement as they will still feel safe as they move around the cage. Or peg towels/blankets over the cage so they sit really low and the pigs feel like they are in a hidey house everywhere in the cage. (Make sure they still have enough ventilation though)
Thinking of you.
Our piggies went through a new roof change too. They had a week at boarding. Unfortunately our roofer had to take a break due to family issues & it took longer. Then the last part they managed with us at home. We were all glad when it was finished.
We covered the boys home with a fleece blanket & put the radio on.
Some great ideas above. I think playing some music, covering the cage with blankets to make them feel secure and muffling the noise would help. Good luck.