New Year's Eve. Who's Doing What?

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Jun 16, 2014
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We decided to stay in this year and are enjoying a few glasses of prosecco. It's not the fun fully evening we thought it would be and have been reduced to playing buckaroo and snakes and ladders on the iPad. Is anyone having a more boring NYE? Post your sob stories bellow!
We're at home too, getting slightly tipsy on gin. Had a chinese earlier and now watching boring stuff on telly.
nothing for us... as usual. just probably going to watch a couple of episodes of homeland and eat chocolate :)
We're sat in watching "pretty woman" with a kebab (staying classy)

Dreading midnight when the fireworks start - have a nervous Labrador who will start kicking off at them. Just praying it's over quick for the animals sake
I forgot about the fireworks. My Simon piggy ripped a nail off on bonfire night. Better get the radio on for him!
All I can hope us that the fireworks are all over and done with within minutes. Luckily it isn't like bonfire night where they were spread over hours each day
I'm upstairs in my room with my boys after watching a bit of csi , hoping to fall asleep before twelve o'clock . Hate New Years , can't understand it its just another day to remind you you are getting older ! Much prefer to be with my boys, love them to bits x happy new year to all of you who like to celebrate it x
We're now watching Come Dine With Me, we seem to do that every New Year's Eve.
Hi, I'm a bit new here, we have 11 week old guinea pigs - is there anything I should do when the fireworks start? They are inside, have plenty of hay in the bed end of their hutch they can burrow right in, is there anything else I should do for them? Thanks
Hi, I'm a bit new here, we have 11 week old guinea pigs - is there anything I should do when the fireworks start? They are inside, have plenty of hay in the bed end of their hutch they can burrow right in, is there anything else I should do for them? Thanks
It sounds like you are already doing everything.
You could put the radio on for them
Hi, I'm a bit new here, we have 11 week old guinea pigs - is there anything I should do when the fireworks start? They are inside, have plenty of hay in the bed end of their hutch they can burrow right in, is there anything else I should do for them? Thanks
I'm not really a New Year person, I'm watching Graham Norton thing with my Mum :)! To be honest, if I could go to bed without getting woken up at 12 by fireworks or phone calls from the family i'd probably just go to bed! I sound like a right bore!
My mums gone out and left me and my sister at home. So it's been boring. We ordered pizza earlier and played animal crossing on the ds...

Most people are out at a party or drinking ect..

Not us!
We celebrated with little pixel animals on a screen!
So exciting!

My sister also forced me into watching 'jackass' for the first time.. Ew!

It's been a odd night.....
I've just played Counterstrike:Source against my boyfriend online and also had the pigs running around like mad :D
I am at my mum's for a party, my kids are with me (asleep upstairs!) but we have left Grumpy Husband at home, he does not like to party. I do feel a bit bad leaving him on his own but he would be asleep by 9pm anyway even if I was there. I like to see the New Year in properly.
Does anyone else do the thing with the bread and the coal?
I'm lurking in the forum while my boyfriend is completely sleep next to me hahaha
A few hours back we were playing Metal Slug 3. We were so bad at it... Hahaha
I'm watching the first hobbit movie with a couple of logs in the fireplace and cuddles with my dog :)
I am at my mum's for a party, my kids are with me (asleep upstairs!) but we have left Grumpy Husband at home, he does not like to party. I do feel a bit bad leaving him on his own but he would be asleep by 9pm anyway even if I was there. I like to see the New Year in properly.
Does anyone else do the thing with the bread and the coal?
What do you do with the bread and the coal?!
We have a party, because it was my birthday, and played songs on the tv, sang and ate tonnes.

Now i'm in work! Blah!
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